Past Meetings

Board of Health
Transportation Committee
Ottawa Police Services Board
Planning and Housing Committee
Built Heritage Committee
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
Board of Health
Police Services Board Policy and Governance Committee
City Council
Nominating Committee
Ottawa Police Services Board
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
City Council
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
City Council
Ottawa Police Services Board
City Council
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
Police Services Board Finance and Audit Committee
City Council
Ottawa Public Library Board
Board of Health
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
Finance and Economic Development Committee
Ottawa Police Services Board
Planning Committee
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
Ottawa Public Library Board
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
City Council
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
Arts, Culture and Recreation Advisory Committee
Ottawa Public Library Board
Built Heritage Sub-Committee
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee
Ottawa Police Services Board
Planning Committee
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2