Development Applications

D07-12-24-0064 Site Plan Control: 7-storey new senior's apartments next to existing long-term care facility building and associated expansion and revision to existing parking lot and landscape area..

D02-02-21-0069 Zoning By-law Amendment: The City of Ottawa has received applications for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control to construct a 30-storey mixed-use building containing 330 dwelling units and three ground floor commercial units. A total of 250 parking spaces will be provided, including 240 underground and 10 at surface level..

D07-12-21-0110 Site Plan Control: A proposal to redevelop the subject property with a 30-storey high-rise, mixed use building consisting of apartment dwelling units and ground floor commercial space. The proposed development will contain a total of 330 dwelling units, 194 of which will be one (1) bedroom units, and 136 of which will be two (2) bedroom units. Three {3} ground floor commercial spaces will contribute to a mix of uses on the subject property. Parking for the proposed development is proposed to be located almost exclusively in an underground garage, with the exception of ten {10) surface parking spaces for visitors and commercial users at the rear of the building..

D07-12-24-0055 Site Plan Control: It is proposed to add a 372m2 farm building and a covered open-air outdoor rink to the existing fair property. The proposed farm buildings are used for the annual fair. Large grassed areas are used for parking during the event. No specific parking areas are proposed for this revision to the site plan.

D07-12-23-0066 Site Plan Control: Waste processing and transfer site - excess soils.

D02-02-23-0041 Zoning By-law Amendment: Continued existing use - waste processing and transfer site for excess soils. The site was previously a pit, which is currently not licensed.

D01-01-24-0012 Official Plan Amendment: The City of Ottawa has initiated an Official Plan Amendment application to update the Kanata North Economic District policies in Section, and Schedules B5 and C7A of the Official Plan. The updates are intended to ensure that the Economic District develops as an urban mixed-use, transit-oriented area..

D02-02-24-0022 Zoning By-law Amendment: The purpose of the amendment is to fulfill conditions of consent. Condition No. 1 of the Committee's decision requires that the retained agricultural property (3029 Moodie Drive) be rezoned to prohibit residential development. The proposed Zoning By-law amendment application requests that the retained agricultural property be rezoned to prohibit residential development. The retained property has a lot area of approx. 12 ha and a total lot frontage of approx. 196m. It is requested that the retained lands be rezoned from Agricultural Subzone 3 (AG3) to Agricultural Subzone 7 (AG7) to prohibit residential development. Condition No. 1 of the Committee's decision also requires that the severed residential parcel (3047 Moodie) be rezoned to permit a reduced lot width. The severed residential parcel has a lot area of approx. 0.8 ha and a lot width of 12m. It is requested that the severed residential parcel be rezoned from Agricultural Subzone 3 (AG3) to Agricultural Exception X to permiit.

D07-12-24-0049 Site Plan Control: Demolition of building at 283 & 285 McLeod St, construction of 5 storey mid-rise residential apt building, transition to 3 storey low rise, contains 31 units. underground parking from McLeod, 8 parking spaces, 31 bicycle parking spaces, 259 sq meters amenity space.

D02-02-24-0017 Zoning By-law Amendment: The City of Ottawa has received an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application to construct two high-rise, mixed-use towers (26- and 35 storeys) with underground vehicular and bicycle parking spaces, and a public courtyard..
