D01-01-24-0020 Official Plan Amendment: Delegated Authority for Minor Re-zoning Applications.
D07-12-24-0077 Site Plan Control: The City of Ottawa has received a Site Plan Control application to construct two mixed-use high-rise apartment dwellings of 28 and 14 storeys in height. The buildings will contain 483 units and associated underground parking..
D02-02-24-0011 Zoning By-law Amendment: A City-initiated zoning by-law amendment for 2525 Carling Avenue to implement the site-specific policy direction from the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan..
D07-16-24-0009 Plan of Subdivision: An application to extend Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval granted following the review of the original Subdivision Application No. D07-16-18-0002. Phase 2 of the draft approved lands remains unregistered. Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval lapses on 21 September 2024..
D07-16-23-0003 Plan of Subdivision: The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision application that proposes to create 19 residential units, 18 of which are semi-detached dwellings and one of which is a detached dwelling..
D02-02-23-0014 Zoning By-law Amendment: The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision application that proposes to create 19 residential units, 18 of which are semi-detached dwellings and one of which is a detached dwelling..
D02-02-23-0052 Zoning By-law Amendment: To facilitate the proposed development of an eight-storey mixed-use building on the subject property this application requests a site specific amendment to incorporate the required relief from the zoining provisions to decrease the required buiding stepback in the front yard above the third storey, decrease the required building sepback in the rear yard above the third storey, increase the maximum permitted building height, alter the required angular plane for the proposed buiiding from the rear lot line, reduce the miimum required landscaped area abutting the rear lot line, reduce the minimum communal amenity area requirement and to reduce the minimum required parking spaces for residential units..
D07-12-23-0084 Site Plan Control: It is proposed to develop an eight-storey, mixed use building on the subject property, The propsed building will have four commercial units on the ground floor. 121 residential units will be provided ranging in size from studio to 3-bedroom apartments. The principal access to the residential units will be provided off Sprinfield Rd. and Douglas Ave. Access to commercial units is provided off Beechwood Ave. Underground motor vehicle pariing spaces are provided with access off Springfield Rd. A Minor Zoning By-law Amendment is required to facilitate the proposed development on the subject property and is being submitted concurrently..
D07-12-24-0092 Site Plan Control: A Site Plan Control application to facilitate the development of a two-storey, 1,531 square metre office and warehouse building for a flooring business. The development will include 22 surface parking spaces..
D07-12-24-0093 Site Plan Control: A 4-storey, 27 unit residential building is proposed along with a 2-storey mixed use commercial building. The commercial building contains a ground floor restaurant and patio, and a second floor office space. A total of 67 parking spaces are provided including two Type A and two Type B accessible parking spaces. The proposed development also includes 17 bicycle parking spaces..