November 01 - 09:30
Finance and Economic Development Committee
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.
Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.
Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Counc... (cont)
ACS2022 FSD FSP 0013 City Wide
That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend that Council receive the Q2 Operating and Capital Status and 2022 Year-end Forecast for information as detailed in Documents 1 to 4.
ACS2022 ICS LEG 0004 – City wide
That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend that Council receive this report for information.
ACS2022 ICS PRO 0003 City Wide
That the Finance and Economic Development Committee and Council receive this report for information.
ACS2022 OCC GEN 0028 City Wide
That the Finance and Economic Development Committee receive the French Language Services Advisory Committee end-of-term report for 2018-2022 as detailed in Document 1.
ACS2022 PIE CRO 0010 City Wide
That the Finance and Economic Development Committee receive this report for information.
ACS2022 PIE CRO 0002 Alta Vista (18)
That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the following:
Declare a portion of 529 Tremblay Road legally described as part Lot 11, concession Gore Junction, Part 1, 2 and 3, on 5R9226; part blocks K and M, Plan 84, Part Catherine Street, Plan 84, Part 4, 5R9226, Gloucester, now in the City of Ottawa, containing approximately 1.184 hectares (2.926 acres) subject to final survey and shown annexed as Location Map 1 as surpl... (cont)
ACS2022-CMR-OCM-0001 - City Wide
That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend City Council:
Receive the information related to the City of Ottawa’s work on the Ottawa Light Rail Transit (OLRT) Public Inquiry, including as follows: a. The City’s opening statement (Document 1); b. The City’s closing submission and recommendations (Document 2); and c. Direct staff to bring the OLRT Public Inquiry’s final report and recommendations, together with a companion report out... (cont)
ACS2022 OCC GEN 0025
ACS2022 PIE EDP 0029
ACS2022 OCC FED 0007 Stittsville (6)
That the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend:
This report be submitted in the new term of Council at Council’s first regular meeting subsequent to the meeting where the Governance Report is considered; and
Council to waive the Disposal of Real Property Policy to enable the City to transfer a portion of the hydro corridor to accommodate either a public or private road, back to Tartan Homes Ltd for a nominal charge.
Next Meeting
To be determined.