November 08 - 12:00

Ottawa Public Library Board

Notices and meeting information for meeting participants and the public
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.
Recognition of Anishinābe Algonquin Territory
Roll Call
Declarations of Interest
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes 38 – Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Chair's Verbal Update
Chief Librarian and Chief Executive Officer's Report
Hours of Operation - 2022 Survey Results
File number: OPLB-2022-1108-10.1 Report recommendations That the Ottawa Public Library (OPL) Board: Receive this report for information; Approve no further expansion of hours of operation on public holidays; and, Direct staff to report back by Q3 2023 regarding any further recommended changes to hours of operation.
Facilities Framework
File number: OPLB-2022-1108-10.2 Report recommendations That the Ottawa Public Library Board: Receive the summary report on the outcome of public engagement; Receive the revised Facilities Framework; Approve the final Facilities Framework; and, Direct staff to complete an assessment of library facility gaps and to report back to the Board no later than Q3 2023.
Ottawa Public Library Board Rules of Procedure By-law, Policy Framework, and Policies
File number: OPLB-2022-1108-10.3 Report recommendations That the Ottawa Public Library Board: Approve the OPL Board Rules of Procedure By-law amendment as further described in this report; and, Approve the OPL Board Policy Framework and policies (Document 1 to 25)
2019-2022 Term of Board Key Achievements and Legacy Report
File number: OPLB-2022-1108-10.4 Report recommendations That the Ottawa Public Library (OPL) Board: Receive this report for information; and, Disband the COVID-19 and Intellectual Freedom Ad hoc Committees.
Third Quarter 2022 Financial Status Report
File Number: OPLB-2022-1108-10-5 Report Recommendation That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive the 2022 third quarter financial reports.
In Camera Items
That, in accordance with the Public Libraries Act, the Ottawa Public Library Board resolve in camera pursuant to 16.1  (4)(d) labour relations or employee negotiations with respect to Job Reclassification.
Information Previously Distributed
COVID-19 Recovery and Hours of Operation Update
Next Meeting
Tuesday, 13 December 2022 (Held)
