October 19 - 09:00
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
(Travis Webb Estate Trustee for the Estate of Charlotte O’Rourke)
To convey a portion of the property to the abutting owner to the east at 2480 Stagecoach Road.
(Agent: C. McConkey)
(Marilyn Mayhew-Dagenais and Jaime Sastre)
To subdivide their property into two separate parcels of land.
(Agent: D. Gribbon)
(David Williams)
To subdivide the property into three separate parcels of land to create two new residential lots.
(Agent: B. Jarvis)
(Jean-denis Parent)
To subdivide the property into three parcels to create two new residential lots. The existing dwelling and storage barn will remain.
(Agent: Jean-denis Parent)
(Peter Bradley)
To permit a reduced lot width of a secondary dwelling unit.
(Agent: P. Bradley)
(Mark Rushton)
To permit a reduced setback to the high-water mark for the construction of a two-storey detached dwelling.
(Agent: M. Rushton)
Remote Participation – Committee Members, Staff and General Public
Although in-person Committee of Adjustment hearings have been postponed until further notice, there are several ways in which the general public can participate in this electronic hearing.
The chosen technology for this hearing is Zoom (https://zoom.us/) which allows for participation by computers and mobile devices. To reduce the number of participants in the electronic hearing and to allow for a more efficient process, the gener... (cont)