October 19 - 13:00
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
sine die
sine die
Adjourned to December 7, 2022
(Christian Szpilfogel)
To permit reduced front and rear yard setbacks and reduced number of two- bedroom units, for the addition of five units to the existing building.
(Agent: C. Szpilfogel)
(Ottawa Community Housing Corporation)
To permit reduced transparent windows, reduced building setbacks, a front door on a public park and two double wide driveways, for the construction of five new mixed-use buildings.
(Agent: T. Beed)
(Louis Yam and Linh M. Ho)
To permit reduced lot width, lot area and side yard setback for the conversion of the current dwelling to a low-rise apartment building.
(Agent: C.Miller)
(James Kubina)
To permit a reduced lot area and front yard and rear yard setback for the construction of a secondary dwelling unit on the second floor of the existing townhouse.
(Agent: J. Kubina)
(2665883 Ontario Inc)
To permit reduced lot area, total area amenity space and front yard setback for the construction of a low-rise apartment dwelling
(Agent: P. Robinson)
(2734739 Ontario Inc.)
To permit stairs to project closer to the front lot line and for relief from the Heritage overlay for the construction of a new two-storey triplex
(Agent: J. Paoloni)
(Moda Development Corporation)
To subdivide the property into two separate parcels for an existing semi-detached dwelling.
(Agent: M. Staltaris)
(Fred and Catherine Kingston)
To permit a detached dwelling with reduced lot width, lot area and rear yard setback.
(Agent: R.White)
Adjourned from June 15, 2022
(Toulou Group Inc.)
To subdivide the property into two parcels for the construction of a new detached dwelling on one of the parcels. The existing dwelling will remain. The parcels will have reduced side yard setbacks, reduced rear yard setbacks and rear yard areas as well as reduced lot width and front yard parking.
(Agent: J. Vahidi)
Adjourned from June 15, 2022
(Tolou Group Inc.)
To subdivide the property into two parcels for the construction of a new detached dwelling on one of the parcels. The existing dwelling will remain. The parcels will have reduced side yard setbacks, reduced rear yard setbacks and rear yard areas as well as reduced lot width and front yard parking.
(Agent: J. Vahidi)
Adjourned from September 21, 2022
(Moda Development Corporation)
To subdivide the property into two separate parcels for an existing semi-detached dwelling.
(Agent: M. Staltaris)
2:19 p.m.
Remote Participation – Committee Members, Staff and General Public
Although in-person Committee of Adjustment hearings have been postponed until further notice, there are several ways in which the general public can participate in this electronic hearing.
The chosen technology for this hearing is Zoom (https://zoom.us/) which allows for participation by computers and mobile devices. To reduce the number of participants in the electronic hearing and to allow for a more efficient process, the gener... (cont)