October 19 - 18:30
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
Sine Die
Sine Die
Sine Die
Adjourned to December 7, 2022.
Adjourned to December 7, 2022.
Sine Die
Sine Die
Sine Die
Sine Die
(10609625 Canada Inc.)
To permit a reduced rear yard soft landscaping and front façade, increased driveway width and no dwelling units with two bedrooms, for the construction of a third storey addition.
(Agent: P. Robinson)
(Joel George Downey)
To subdivide the property into two parcels for a proposed semi-detached dwelling.
(Agent: J. D'Aoust)
(2447474 Ontario Inc.)
To subdivide the property in four separate parcels for future development on three of the new parcels. The existing detached dwelling will remain.
(Agent: T. Yakichuk)
(Jean Lamarche)
To expand a legal non-conforming use to permit the construction of a new coach house.
(Agent: A. Bisson)
(Adrian Besharat)
To subdivide the property into three separate parcels of land with front yard parking for the existing detached dwelling.
(Agent: A. Besharat)
(Adrian Besharat)
To subdivide the property into three separate parcels of land with front yard parking for the existing detached dwelling.
(Agent: A. Besharat)
(Janet Cambell and Scott Doidge)
To permit a reduced front yard setback to enclose an existing balcony for office use.
(Agent: N. Anderson)
(Hazelview Developments Inc.)
To permit an increased building height, reduced interior side yard setback and parking spaces to build a six-storey and two seven-storey buildings (total 305 residential units).
(Agent: S. Alain)
(Mohamed Mostafa Real Estate Investment Inc.)
To subdivide the property into two lots for the construction of two new detached dwellings, with reduced lot widths and lot areas.
(Agent: S. Soor)
Mohamed Mostafa Real Estate Investment Inc.
To subdivide the property into two lots for the construction of two new detached dwellings, with reduced lot widths and lot areas.
(Agent: S. Soor)
(Randy and Janet Bell)
To permit a reduced interior side yard setback and front yard setback for the construction of an attached garage.
(Agent: R. Bell)
Adjourned from August 17, 2022
(Hutoxi Noble)
To permit a reduced rear yard setback and a reduced rear yard area for an addition, which includes a second storey secondary dwelling unit.
(Agent: A. Wielemaker)
Adjourned from September 7, 2022)
(Bulat Homes Ltd.)
To subdivide the property into three parcels for new two-storey detached dwellings with increased driveway widths, reduced lot width, corner side yard and front yard soft landscaping.
(Agent: M. Segreto)
Adjourned from September 7, 2022
(Bulat Homes Ltd.)
To subdivide the property into three parcels for new two-storey detached dwellings with increased driveway widths, reduced lot width, corner side yard and front yard soft landscaping.
(Agent: M. Segreto)
Adjourned from September 7, 2022
(Theo and Leeanne Vanderburgt)
To subdivide the property into two parcels for two existing row house units with reduced lot widths, lot areas and reduced front yard setbacks.
(Agent: K. Robichaud)
Adjourned from September 7, 2022
(Theo and Leeanne Vanderburgt)
To subdivide the property into two parcels for two existing row house units with reduced lot widths, lot areas and reduced front yard setbacks.
(Agent: K. Robichaud)
Remote Participation – Committee Members, Staff and General Public
Although in-person Committee of Adjustment hearings have been postponed until further notice, there are several ways in which the general public can participate in this electronic hearing.
The chosen technology for this hearing is Zoom (https://zoom.us/) which allows for participation by computers and mobile devices. To reduce the number of participants in the electronic hearing and to allow for a more efficient process, the gener... (cont)