New Lobbying undertaking Zane Colt (Sr. Government Relations Consultant): Extendicare plans to upgrade all of our older LTC homes ...
New Lobbying undertaking Frederique Bouchard (Senior Manager Public Affairs): Discussions aimed at supporting the deployment of EV charging infrastructure ...
New Meeting: Transportation Committee
DevApp D07-12-23-0054 (Site Plan Control for 575 DEALERSHIP) has been born: Two new industrial use buildings of approximately 14,776 sq.m and 15,205sq respectively. Each will be divided into four individual...
New Consultation: Bank Street Cycling and Transit Impro...
New Meeting: Accessibility Advisory Committee
New Consultation: Granary Grove Park
DevApp D07-12-23-0072 (Site Plan Control for 725 SOMERSET) has been born: Mixed-use, Nine (9) storey building with commercial units at a grade and residential uses above (94 residential units).
DevApp D02-02-23-0044 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 725 SOMERSET) has been born: Mixed-use,Nine (9) storey building with commercial units at grade and residential uses above (94 residential units)
DevApp D07-04-23-0002 (Plan of Condominium for 585 BOBOLINK) has been born: Plan of Condominium
New Consultation: New Aqueduct Park Survey
DevApp D02-02-23-0036 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 352 SOMERSET) has been born: This is a minor zoning amendment for: 1 - Bicycle parking spaces by law requires 0.50 per unit apartment building-low rise)...
DevApp D07-12-22-0003 (Site Plan Control for 352 SOMERSET) has been born: Demolition and reconstruction of the three storey heritage building and the addition of six residential storeys.
New Meeting: City Council
New Meeting: Environment and Climate Change Committee
DevApp D07-04-22-0019 (Plan of Condominium for 4800 BANK) has been born: The subject site is designated General Urban Area per Schedule B of the Official Plan. The General Urban Area designation permits...
New Meeting: Planning and Housing Committee
New Lobbying undertaking David Angus (President): Supporting KPI’s sales business operations and consulting arm as it ...
New Meeting: Board of Health
DevApp D07-12-23-0064 (Site Plan Control for 2501 GREENBANK) has been born: A Site Plan Control application to expand the existing commercial building along Strandherd Drive for additional retail and warehouse...
New Meeting: Light Rail Sub-Committee
New Meeting: Ottawa Public Library Board
New Meeting: Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee
DevApp D07-12-23-0051 (Site Plan Control for 1485 UPPER CANADA) has been born: proposed single storey warehouse and commercial facility with surface parking
DevApp D02-02-23-0034 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 2659 RIVER) has been born: A zoning amendment is required to place the retained lands from the recent severance in a site-specific zone to prohibit residential...
New Consultation: Cultural Funding Framework Review
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
DevApp D07-12-23-0024 (Site Plan Control for 7248 BANK) has been born: We, the owners wish to construct a 12.8m wide by 31.7m long unheated storage structure for lumber. The building will have no services...
New Lobbying undertaking Jeremy Wittet (Vice-President, Government and Public Affairs): Bluesfest roadway access ...
New Lobbying undertaking Jeremy Wittet (Vice-President, Government and Public Affairs): Ottawa LRT maintenance, service delivery and expansion. ...
New Lobbying undertaking Pam Dinsmore (Vice President, Regulatory Cable): Communicating with City officials about telecommunications infrastructure, including infrastructure related ...
New Lobbying undertaking Sydney Linholm (Account Executive): Ottawa LRT maintenance, service delivery, and expansion. ...
New Lobbying undertaking Jeff Rock (Senior Director): Communicating with City officials about telecommunications infrastructure, including infrastructure related ...
New Lobbying undertaking Adrian MacDonald (Senior Manager, Network Access): Communicating with City officials about telecommunications infrastructure, including infrastructure related ...
New Lobbying undertaking Laura Korneluk (Manager, Municipal Relations): Meetings to introduce the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies - ...
New Lobbying undertaking Jason Burggraaf (Executive Director): PRED's Bill 109 Implementation Plan ...
New Lobbying undertaking Christine McCuaig (Senior Planner): Proposed Official Plan Amendment ...
DevApp D07-12-23-0060 (Site Plan Control for 224 PRESTON) has been born: Construction of a 6 storey mid-srise,mixed-use building with 2 commercial units on the ground floor and a total of 28 residential...
DevApp D02-02-23-0040 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 224 PRESTON) has been born: CConstruction of a 6 Storey mid-rise, Mixed-use building with 2 commercial units on the ground floor and a total of 28 residential...
DevApp D07-12-23-0058 (Site Plan Control for 3845 CAMBRIAN) has been born: The site is proposed to be developed with a food retail store on the southern portion of the lot (3,204 square metres GFA) and...
DevApp D07-12-23-0055 (Site Plan Control for 360 LAURIER) has been born: The proposal is to renovate/convert an existing office building (keeping the structure) to residential. The plan contemplates creating...
DevApp D01-01-23-0007 (Official Plan Amendment for 27 BALSAM) has been born: The proposed redevelopment seeks to allow a mixed-use mid-rise building
DevApp D02-02-23-0037 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 4338 INNES) has been born: The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment application to modify the existing Zoning for the Dymon facility...
DevApp D02-02-23-0030 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 1495 HERON) has been born: The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision application to convert the existing site...
DevApp D07-16-23-0005 (Plan of Subdivision for 1495 HERON) has been born: The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision application to convert the existing site into...
New Consultation: Golden Avenue to Dominion Avenue Mult...
New Consultation: Sandalwood Park Redevelopment Survey
New Consultation: Hintonburg Pumphouse