New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
DevApp D02-02-23-0048 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 1400 UPPER CANADA) has been born: To permit the heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental, and servicing use
New Consultation: Electric Vehicles
DevApp D02-02-23-0055 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 1158 OLD SECOND LINE) has been born: To permit the use, stacked dwelling, and relief to the building height and rear and side yard setback
DevApp D07-12-23-0086 (Site Plan Control for 1158 OLD SECOND LINE) has been born: A Planned Unit Development (PUD) consisting of eight stacked townhouse buildings, which together comprise a total of...
New Consultation: Electric Vehicles
DevApp D07-12-23-0078 (Site Plan Control for 1083 MERIVALE) has been born: A six-storey residential care facility is proposed for the lands at 1083 Merivale Road. The new building will contain 70 units,...
New Consultation: Centrepoint Park - new inclusive and ...
DevApp D07-12-23-0069 (Site Plan Control for 30 CHAMBERLAIN) has been born: It is proposed to demolish the existing structures and redevelop the entirety of the subject properties. The building concept...
DevApp D07-12-23-0032 (Site Plan Control for 1650 SHEA) has been born: 116 back to back townhouses on private street
DevApp D07-12-23-0063 (Site Plan Control for 1 FINCH) has been born: The proposed is a 45 unit, 6-storey affordable/ market rental residential building that would be a part of the existing PUD. It is within...
New Meeting: Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee
DevApp D01-01-23-0009 (Official Plan Amendment for 945 BANK) has been born: The City of Ottawa has initiated an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application for the Lansdowne 2.0 project to permit...
DevApp D02-02-23-0047 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 945 BANK) has been born: The City of Ottawa has initiated an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application for the Lansdowne 2.0 project to permit...
New Consultation: Community Partnership Programs
New Consultation: Community Partnership Major Capital P...
New Meeting: City Council
New Meeting: Planning and Housing Committee
New Meeting: Finance and Corporate Services Committee
DevApp D01-01-23-0008 (Official Plan Amendment for 265 CATHERINE) has been born: An amendment is required to the Central and East Downtown core secondary plan with respect to the building heights fronting...
DevApp D02-02-23-0042 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 265 CATHERINE) has been born: Increase height allowance for the three towers proposed of 26, 40 and 36 storeys fronting on Catherine St. The base zoning...
DevApp D07-12-23-0067 (Site Plan Control for 265 CATHERINE) has been born: The proposed development consists of three residential towers of 26,40, and 36 storeys, townhouses, a six-storey residential building...
New Meeting: Ottawa Police Services Board
DevApp D02-02-23-0043 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 1815 MONTREAL, CH DE) has been born: The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control application to construct a nine-storey...
DevApp D07-12-23-0071 (Site Plan Control for 1815 MONTREAL, CH DE) has been born: The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control application to construct a nine-storey...
New Meeting: Transit Commission
DevApp D07-12-23-0059 (Site Plan Control for 3745 ST-JOSEPH, BOUL) has been born: The proposed development is a six-storey mixed use building. Proposed uses include hotel and associated cafe and restaurant,...
New Consultation: Cycling Lanes on Lees Avenue (Lees Av...
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
New Consultation: New City Recreation and Cultural Faci...
New Meeting: Community Services Committee
DevApp D07-12-23-0061 (Site Plan Control for 40 FRANK NIGHBOR) has been born: 401 Real Estate Trust Inc. is proposing to develop a hotel and restuarant on the subject site as shown on the site plan drawing...
DevApp D02-02-23-0039 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 3745 ST-JOSEPH, BOUL) has been born: Rezone the lands from light industrial zone with a height limitation of 21 metres (1L H (21) to a light industrial...
New Meeting: Transportation Committee
DevApp D07-12-23-0054 (Site Plan Control for 575 DEALERSHIP) has been born: Two new industrial use buildings of approximately 14,776 sq.m and 15,205sq respectively. Each will be divided into four individual...
New Consultation: Bank Street Cycling and Transit Impro...
New Meeting: Accessibility Advisory Committee
New Consultation: Granary Grove Park
DevApp D07-12-23-0072 (Site Plan Control for 725 SOMERSET) has been born: Mixed-use, Nine (9) storey building with commercial units at a grade and residential uses above (94 residential units).
DevApp D02-02-23-0044 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 725 SOMERSET) has been born: Mixed-use,Nine (9) storey building with commercial units at grade and residential uses above (94 residential units)
DevApp D07-04-23-0002 (Plan of Condominium for 585 BOBOLINK) has been born: Plan of Condominium
New Consultation: New Aqueduct Park Survey
DevApp D02-02-23-0036 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 352 SOMERSET) has been born: This is a minor zoning amendment for: 1 - Bicycle parking spaces by law requires 0.50 per unit apartment building-low rise)...
DevApp D07-12-22-0003 (Site Plan Control for 352 SOMERSET) has been born: Demolition and reconstruction of the three storey heritage building and the addition of six residential storeys.
New Meeting: City Council
New Meeting: Environment and Climate Change Committee