DevApp D07-12-22-0176 (Site Plan Control for 407 SMYTH) has been born: The proposal is to build a 3 storey addition that provide an additional 22 guest suites and is linked to the current Ronald McDonald...
DevApp D07-12-22-0169 (Site Plan Control for 1515 EARL ARMSTRONG) has been born: The development of 12 commercial building for a total of 12,762m2 (137,370 ft2)
New Lobbying undertaking Jason Burggraaf (Executive Director): Planning and Housing Committee Agenda Release Schedule ...
New Consultation: Gilbey Park, play equipment replacement
New Consultation: Agincourt Park Community Consultation
DevApp D07-12-22-0177 (Site Plan Control for 3430 CARLING) has been born: Seeks to construct two (2) storey mid rise , residential apartment buildings,containing a total 186 dwelling units, The proposal...
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
DevApp D07-12-22-0190 (Site Plan Control for 1545 MERIVALE) has been born: A Site Plan Control application to construct a 1-storey, 2,481 sqm medical imaging building with 129 parking spaces provided in...
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
DevApp D07-12-23-0003 (Site Plan Control for 3400 OLD MONTREAL) has been born: Phase 1B Humanics Sanctuary Park
DevApp D02-02-20-0067 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 0 ) has been born: City initiated - Rezonings will implement Secondary Plan policies as directed by the proposed Gladstone Station District Secondary...
DevApp D07-12-21-0222 (Site Plan Control for 3400 OLD MONTREAL) has been born: Proposal add a pavilion with kitchen facilities add 3 sets of washroom facilities and a new septic system; amend the size...
New Lobbying undertaking Marcel Prud'homme (President & CEO): Employee Rehabilitations/Recovery Training Program from Compassion/Mental Fatigue ...
DevApp D07-12-20-0017 (Site Plan Control for 1265 TERON) has been born: Area to be developed is vacant. One the severance is finalized, the property 1243 Teron Road will become 1265 Teron Road. This application...
New Lobbying undertaking Ed Sajecki (Senior Advisor): To assist our client in sorting out requirements for building ...
New Lobbying undertaking Ron Shaw (Senior Advisor): To assist our client in sorting out requirements for building ...
New Lobbying undertaking Tony Miller (Founder): Concerns regarding the communications and engagement for the implementation of ...
DevApp D02-02-22-0123 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 73 STE-CECILE, RUE) has been born: It is proposed to develop a three-storey residential apartment building containing 30 dwelling units on the Subject...
DevApp D07-12-22-0183 (Site Plan Control for 73 STE-CECILE, RUE) has been born: It is proposed to develop a three-storey residential apartment building containing 30 dwelling units on the Subject Property....
New Consultation: Kingsmere Park
New Meeting: Planning and Housing Committee
New Meeting: Built Heritage Committee
DevApp D02-02-22-0104 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 180 MAIN) has been born: We are requesting a zoning by-law amendment to allow changes with respect to the street facing facade at the ground floor in...
DevApp D07-12-22-0160 (Site Plan Control for 180 MAIN) has been born: 3 storey mixed use building with ground floor commercial space (restaurant) and 5 residential units. Building designed and constructed...
DevApp D02-02-22-0116 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 230 LISGAR) has been born: The amendment will rezone the subject property to R5B H(30) to permit the proposed mid-rise apartment building and amend certain...
DevApp D07-12-22-0166 (Site Plan Control for 230 LISGAR) has been born: The proposal seeks to redevelp the property with a (9) storey mid-rise apartment building with approximately 49 units. A car elevator,...
New Consultation: Joe Jamieson Park
DevApp D07-12-21-0065 (Site Plan Control for 234 O'CONNOR) has been born: Proposed 16-storey mixed-used building with 67 parking spaces, 140 dwelling units, and 251m2 of ground floor commercial space.
DevApp D07-12-22-0174 (Site Plan Control for 60 DENZIL DOYLE) has been born: Single storey self storage warehouse are proposed to be constructed building that will also contain ancillary administrative...
New Consultation: Provincial Legislation affecting Plan...
DevApp D02-02-22-0114 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 357 PRESTON) has been born: A minor Zoning Amendment application is needed for relief from the building height and the corner side yard setback provisions...
DevApp D07-12-22-0165 (Site Plan Control for 357 PRESTON) has been born: It is proposed to construct a six-storey mixed-use building on the Subject Property. The, building will Include two commercial units...
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
New Meeting: Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
DevApp D07-16-22-0017 (Plan of Subdivision for 1500 THOMAS ARGUE) has been born: Currently Vacant, Carp Airport - revision to plan of subdivision, 107 units
New Consultation: City Budget 2023
DevApp D07-12-22-0167 (Site Plan Control for 40 GRANITE RIDGE) has been born: Drop off lane next to the sidewalk.
DevApp D07-12-22-0159 (Site Plan Control for 3904 MARCH) has been born: Proposed 445.9m2 indoor dog gym and play area and a 153.1m2 kennel. A new sewage disposal system will be installed to service the...
New Meeting: Board of Health
DevApp D02-02-22-0091 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 2164 OLD PRESCOTT) has been born: The owner is seeking to rezone the property from ME2- Mineral Extraction to RU [193r]- Rural Countryside Zone. The new...
New Meeting: Police Services Board Policy and Governance Committee
DevApp D07-12-22-0164 (Site Plan Control for 2140 BASELINE) has been born: The proposal is to revise the existing site plan to accommodate a terrace above the 14th storey, an indoor amenity area projecting...
New Meeting: Nominating Committee
DevApp D02-02-22-0084 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 1500 THOMAS ARGUE) has been born: Zoning for a proposed residential subdivision consisting of 77 single detached dwellings, 30 Townhouse units and an...
DevApp D02-02-22-0101 (Zoning By-law Amendment for 2510 ST-LAURENT, BOUL) has been born: Remove provision 187(3)(g), which requires a Maximum Floor Space Index (FSI) of 2, unless otherwise shown Remove...
DevApp D07-12-22-0155 (Site Plan Control for 2510 ST-LAURENT, BOUL) has been born: The proposed planned-unit development consists of 192 back-to-back townhomes and 36 standard townhomes, as well as a park...
DevApp D09-04-22-0053 (Ontario Heritage Act for 245 SYLVAN) has been born: Application to alter 245 Sylvan Road, a property designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act
DevApp D09-04-22-0052 (Ontario Heritage Act for 280 THOROLD) has been born: Application to alter 280 Thorold Road, a property designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, located in the Rockcliffe...