February 01 - 08:00

Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1

Hearing commenced at 1:00 p.m.
The Chair provided introductory remarks explaining the Hearing Process.
D08-02-22/A-00336, 65 Acacia (Ward 13 - Rideau-Rockcliffe)
sine die 
D08-01-22/B-00222 & B-00251, 19 Garland (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
Adjourned to February 15, 2023. 
D08-02-22/A-00207, 19 Garland (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
Adjourned to February 15, 2023. 
The following applications were heard. 
D08-01-22/B-00362, 2 Spruce (Ward 14 - Somerset)
(Adrian Gatrill) To create an Easement/Right-of-Way to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian access to the rear yard for the adjacent property at 4 Spruce Street. (Agent:  K. Libman)
D08-01-22/B-00363, 12 Spruce (Ward 14 - Somerset)
(Diana Gatrill) To create an Easement/Right-of-Way to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian access to the rear yard for the adjacent property at 10 Spruce Street. (Agent:  K. Libman)
D08-02-22/A-00328, 248 Main (Ward 17 - Capital)
(Alan & Andrea Ibrahim) To permit a reduced rear yard setback and area and to permit a front yard driveway (existing) for one parking space, for the construction of a new duplex dwelling. (Agent:  A. Ibrahim)
D08-02-22/A-00336, 65 Acacia (Ward 13 - Rideau-Rockcliffe)
(Simon Saab & Jeffrey Abboud) To permit reduced lot area and reduced front yard setback for the construction of three storey low-rise apartment building containing six residential units. (Agent:  P. Robinson)
D08-01-22/B-00357, 173 Breezehill (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
(Sarah Whitehead) To subdivide the property into two parcels of land to create separate ownership for each half of the existing semi-detached dwelling. (Agent:  T. Nahal)
D08-02-22/A-00339, 509 Roosevelt (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
(Matthew Pamenter & Aqsa Malik) To permit a reduced interior side yard setback, an increased driveway width and no landscaping strip for the construction of a carport on the existing two-storey dwelling. (Agent:  M. Pamenter)
D08-01-22/B-00222-B-00251, 19A & B Garland (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
(Sandra Didiomete) To subdivide the property into two parcels for the existing long semi-detached dwelling, with a reduced pole width and parking space length for both units. (Agent:  P. Karouk)
D08-02-22/A-00207, 19 Garland (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
(Sandra Didiomete) To subdivide the property into two parcels for the existing long semi-detached dwelling, with a reduced pole width and parking space length for both units. (Agent: P. Kariouk)
D08-02-22/A-00332 & A-00333, 41 & 43 Hampton (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
(Jeff & Colleen Westeinde & Mark MacDonald & Kathy Coxon) To permit a front-facing garage for each half of the proposed semi detached dwelling. (Agent: P. Cooper) 
2:30 p.m. 
Annex A - Public Participation Details
Remote Participation – Committee Members, Staff and General Public Although in-person Committee of Adjustment hearings have been postponed until further notice, there are several ways in which the general public can participate in this electronic hearing. The chosen technology for this hearing is Zoom (https://zoom.us/) which allows for participation by computers and mobile devices. To reduce the number of participants in the electronic hearing and to allow for a more efficient process, the gener... (cont)
