December 05 - 14:00

Police Services Board Policy and Governance Committee

Confirmation of Agenda
That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee confirm the agenda of the 5 December 2023 meeting.
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes #14 of 5 October 2023
That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee confirm Minutes #14 of the 5 October 2023 meeting.
Declarations of Interest
Items of Business
Status Update : 2023 Ottawa Police Services Board Work Plan
Executive Director's report That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee receive this item for information.
Draft 2024 Ottawa Police Services Board Work Plan
Executive Director's report That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee endorse the 2024 Board Work Plan and recommend its approval to the Ottawa Police Services Board.
Updated Policy Draft: GA-16 Dissemination of Information from Chair to Board
Executive Director's report That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee endorse the draft policy for approval by the Board.
Review of False Alarm By-Law No. 1 of 2010
Executive Director's report That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee receive this item for information.
Enhanced Orientation Program for New Board Members
Executive Director's report That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee receive this item for discussion and to provide input.
Other Business
Next Meeting
To be determined.
