November 06 - 17:00

Board of Health

Notices and meeting information for meeting participants and the public
Please see the attached document for public notices and meeting information, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; processes and timelines for written and oral submissions; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.
Roll Call
Declarations of Interest
Confirmation of Minutes
Confirmation of minutes of the meeting of September 18, 2023.
Seven communication items have been received (held on file with the Board of Health Secretary).
Motion to Introduce Reports
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chair of the Board of Health Verbal Report, the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report, and the reports titled: Ottawa Public Health Update on Ottawa’s Overdose Response Strategy; Update on Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Ottawa Public Health; Nutritious Food Basket 2023 and Food Insecurity Report; Ontario Public Health Standards - 2023 Risk Management Report; and Attendance at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) Fall Symposium, be received ... (cont)
Chair of the Board of Health Verbal Report
File ACS2023-OPH-BOH-0012 – City-wide That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this verbal report for information.
Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report
File ACS2023-OPH-MOH-0008 – City-wide That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this verbal report for information.
2024 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health
File ACS2023-OPH-PCS-0007 – City-wide ​​That, at its meeting of November 06, 2023, the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: ​Receive and table the 2024 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health; and  ​Direct staff to forward the 2024 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health to Ottawa City Council on November 08,2023 as part of the City Council’s tabling of the City of Ottawa 2024 Draft Operating and Capital budget.
Ottawa Public Health Update on Ottawa’s Overdose Response Strategy
File ACS2023-OPH-HPP-0005 – City-wide That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit:  Receive, for information: An update on the strategic work by community partners and Ottawa Public Health on overdose prevention and response across the lifespan and next steps; and Ottawa Public Health’s collaborative efforts to inform system and service planning through the Ottawa Mental Health, Addictions and Substance Use Health (MHASUH) community dashboard and improve timely surveillance... (cont)
Update on Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Ottawa Public Health
File ACS2023-OPH-EDI-0001 – City-wide ​That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive, for information, an update on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Ottawa Public Health and an overview of the health unit’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy, as outlined in this report.
Nutritious Food Basket 2023 and Food Insecurity Report
File ACS2023-OPH-HPP-0003 – City-wide That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive, for information: The 2023 Nutritious Food Basket survey results and income scenarios; and  An overview of the work being done to address food insecurity and poverty in Ottawa. 
Ontario Public Health Standards - 2023 Risk Management Report
File ACS2023-OPH-KPQ-0005 – City-wide That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information.
Attendance at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) Fall Symposium
File ACS2023-OPH-BOH-0013 – City-wide That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve the participation of Chair Kitts, Vice-Chair DeGiovanni and Member Bauer at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) Fall Symposium, to be held November 24, 2023.
Information Previously Distributed
Strengthening Bridges between Health and Housing Systems
File ACS2023-OPH-HPP-0004 – City-wide
Update on Ottawa Public Health’s Work on the Climate Change and Health Vulnerability Assessment for Extreme Heat to Improve Community Resilience
File ACS2023-OPH-HPS-0003 – City-wide
Ottawa Public Health Research Projects: 2018 to 2022
File ACS2023-OPH-PHM-0001 – City-wide
Motion to Adopt Reports
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chair of the Board of Health Verbal Report, the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report, and the reports titled: Ottawa Public Health Update on Ottawa’s Overdose Response Strategy; Update on Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Ottawa Public Health; Nutritious Food Basket 2023 and Food Insecurity Report; Ontario Public Health Standards - 2023 Risk Management Report; and Attendance at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) Fall Symposium, be received ... (cont)
Motions Requiring Suspension of the Rules of Procedure
Notices of Motions (For Consideration at Subsequent Meeting)
Confirmation By-law
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Confirmation By-law no. 2023-6, a by-law of the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to confirm the proceedings of the Ottawa Board of Health at its meeting of November 6, 2023, be read and passed.
Next Meeting
Monday, December 4, 2023 - 5:00 PM
