February 15 - 05:00

Police Services Board Finance and Audit Committee

Confirmation of Agenda
That the Ottawa Police Services Board confirm the agenda of the 15 February 2023 meeting.
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes #18 of 10 November 2022 
That the Ottawa Police Services Board confirm Minutes #18 of the 10 November 2022 meeting.
Declarations of Interest
Items of Business
2023 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets: Delegations
Presentation Those looking to be added to the speakers list are required to register before Tuesday, February 14 at 4:00pm. Written submissions are also being accepted before the noted deadline.The final public delegate list will be recorded as part of the minutes for the February 15, 2023 meeting. The Board office will be in touch directly with delegates who have requested to speak. That the Finance and Audit Committee receive the presentation and delegations for information and consideration... (cont)
Other Business
Next Meeting
To be determined.
