October 13 - 16:00

Police Services Board Human Resources Committee

Confirmation of Agenda
That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Human Resources Committee confirm the agenda of the 13 October 2023 meeting.
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes #15 of 7 July 2023
That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Human Resources Committee confirm Minutes #15 of the 7 July 2023 meeting.
Declarations of Interest
Items of Business
Board Staffing Strategy
Draft Board Staffing Strategy, including job descriptions That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Human Resources Committee receive this staffing strategy for discussion and recommend its approval to the Ottawa Police Services Board.
Other Business
In Camera Items
That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Human Resources Committee move in-camera to discuss a confidential personnel matter.
Next Meeting
Tuesday, December 19, 2023 - 2:00 PM
