February 15 - 13:30

Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2

Kathleen Willis declared a conflict on this item. (D08-01-23/B-00023 & B-00024, 6301 Campeau (Ward 4 - Kanata-North) ; The subject property was sold to Bayview Hospitality Group by the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation. Member Willis is Vice Chair of the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation Board of Directors and was therefore involved in said sale.)
D08-01-23/B-00023 & B-00024, 6301 Campeau (Ward 4 - Kanata-North)   The subject property was sold to Bayview Hospitality Group by the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation. Member Willis is Vice Chair of the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation Board of Directors and was therefore involved in said sale.
D08-01-23/B-00008, 31 Starwood (Ward 8 - College)
Sine Die
D08-02-23/A-00009 & A-00010, 31 Starwood (Ward 8 - College)
Sine Die
D08-01-23/B-00014, 50 Rebecca (Ward 11 – Beacon Hill-Cyrville)
Sine Die
D08-02-23/A-00012, 50 Rebecca (Ward 11 – Beacon Hill-Cyrville)
Sine Die
D08-01-23/B-00010-B-00013, 864 & 866 Woodroffe (Ward 7 - Bay)
Sine Die
D08-02-23/A-00007 & A-00008, 864 & 866 Woodroffe (Ward 7 - Bay)
Sine Die
D08-01-22/B-00317 & B-00318, 1427 Bellamy (Ward 16 - River)
Sine Die
D08-01-22/B-00317 & B-00318, 1427 Bellamy (Ward 16 - River)
(Nunziata Barbera) To subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land for the existing semi-detached dwelling. (Agent:  M. Segreto)
D08-01-22/B-00372, 2476 Clover (Ward 17 - Capital)
(M. Joudeh (Under Agreement of Purchase and Sale)) To permit reduced lot area and lot width for the construction of a new semi-detached dwelling. (Agent:  B. Chaaroui)
D08-02-22/A-00348 & A-00349, 2476 Clover (Ward 17 - Capital)
(M. Joudeh) To permit reduced lot area and lot width for the construction of a new semi-detached dwelling. (Agent:  B. Chaaraoui)
D08-01-23/B-00008, 31 Starwood (Ward 8 - College)
(Ana Maria Tavares, Carlos & Cristina Macedo) To subdivide the property into two lots for the construction of two new detached dwellings, with reduced lot widths, lot areas and a reduced rear yard setback. (Agent: P. Alves)
D08-02-23/A-00009 & A-00010, 31 Starwood (Ward 8 - College)
(Ana Maria Tavares, Carlos & Cristina Macedo) To subdivide the property into two lots for the construction of two new detached dwellings, with reduced lot widths, lot areas and a reduced rear yard setback. (Agent: P. Alves)
D08-01-23/B-00015 & B-00016, 1353 Kingston (Ward 16 - River)
(Delia Mota & Eduardo Mota) To subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land for the construction of a semi-detached dwelling. (Agent: D.Mota)
D08-01-22/B-00367, 3745 St-Joseph (Ward 1 - Orléans East-Cumberland)
(13890767 Canada Inc.) To create an easement for access and maintenance in favour of the property to the east (3735 St-Joseph Boulevard). (Agent: P. Lalonde)
D08-01-23/B-00014, 50 Rebecca (Ward 11 – Beacon Hill-Cyrville)
(Duozhuang Su) To subdivide the property into two parcels of land for the construction of a new detached dwelling. The existing dwelling is to remain with a reduced lot width and side yard setback. (Agent: C. Jalkotzy)
D08-02-23/A-00012, 50 Rebecca (Ward 11 – Beacon Hill-Cyrville)
(Duozhuang Su) To subdivide the property into two parcels of land for the construction of a new detached dwelling. The existing dwelling is to remain with a reduced lot width and side yard setback. (Agent: C. Jalkotzy)
D08-02-22/A-00352, 3968 Russell (Ward 10 - Gloucester-Southgate)
(8214603 Canada Inc.) To permit reduced interior side yard setbacks, rear yard setback and landscape buffer to regularize the existing non-complying storage yard and accessory structures. (Agent:  J. D'Aoust)
D08-01-23/B-00010-B-00013, 864 & 866 Woodroffe (Ward 7 - Bay)
(2755441 Ontario Inc.) To subdivide the property into four parcels for each unit of the existing long semi-detached dwellings, with a reduced pole width for both rear unit parcels. (Agent: T. Beed)
D08-02-23/A-00007 & A-00008, 864 & 866 Woodroffe (Ward 7 - Bay)
(2755441 Ontario Inc.) To subdivide the property into four parcels for each unit of the existing long semi-detached dwellings, with a reduced pole width for both rear unit parcels. (Agent: T. Beed)
D08-01-23/B-00023 & B-00024, 6301 Campeau (Ward 4 - Kanata-North)
(Bayview Hospitality Holdings Ltd.) To subdivide the property into two separate lots for the proposed townhouses and apartment building development.  (Agent:  K. Libman)
D08-02-22/A-00343, 15 Lotta (Ward 8 - College)
(Gordon Robertson & Kim Johnston) To permit a reduced rear yard setback for the construction of a one-storey addition at the rear of the existing detached dwelling. (Agent:  G. Robertson)
Annex A - Public Participation Details
Remote Participation – Committee Members, Staff and General Public Although in-person Committee of Adjustment hearings have been postponed until further notice, there are several ways in which the general public can participate in this electronic hearing. The chosen technology for this hearing is Zoom (https://zoom.us/) which allows for participation by computers and mobile devices. To reduce the number of participants in the electronic hearing and to allow for a more efficient process, the gener... (cont)
