April 03 - 13:00
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
304 Fairmont (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
212 Carruthers (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
171 Armstrong, 277 Carruthers (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
Consent Application
(Estate of Beryl Ruth Herrick)
To subdivide the property into two parcels of land to create a new lot for residential development.
(Agent: J. Cocks)
Permission Application
(Alfonso, Daniele and Steve Capretta)
To permit the extension of the existing non-conforming apartment building for a 3-storey rear addition containing six dwelling units. Portions of the existing building will be demolished.
(Agent: C. McCuaig)
Minor Variance Application
(2672717 Ontario Inc.)
To permit reduced front and rear yard setbacks and two parking spaces for the conversion of the existing three-unit dwelling into a four-unit, low-rise apartment building.
(Agent: R. Viau)
Minor Variance Application
To permit a reduced bicycle space width and increased front yard walkway width and building height for the construction of a three-storey low-rise apartment building.
(Agent: N. DeSanti)
Minor Variance Application
To permit an increased front yard walkway width, and reduced bicycle parking space widths, rear yard area and aggregated landscape area, for the construction of a low-rise apartment dwelling.
(Agent: N. DeSanti)
Minor Variance Application
(Katy Marie Lisa Shearer and Sandy Thomas Shearer)
To permit a front facing attached garage for the construction of a two-storey detached dwelling.
(Agent: M. Segreto)
1:55 pm
Located in his neighborhood.
469 Wilbrod (Ward 12 - Rideau-Vanier)D08-02-21/A-00345
The subject property is located in my neighbourhood.