June 10 - 09:30
Audit Committee
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and hybrid participation details.
Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.
Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Counc... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-OAG-BVG-005 - City-wide
Report recommendation
That the Audit Committee receive the audit report and recommend that Council consider and approve the recommendations.
File No. ACS2024-OAG-BVG-006 - City-wide
Report recommendation
That the Audit Committee receive the audit report and recommend that Council consider and approve the recommendations.
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FIN-0006 - City-wide
Report recommendation
That the Audit Committee recommend Council approve the 2023 City of Ottawa Consolidated Financial Statements.
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FIN-0007 - City-wide
Report recommendation
That the Audit Committee recommend Council approve the Sinking Fund Financial Statements for 2023.
Next Meeting
Monday, June 24, 2024.