May 02 - 09:30

Finance and Corporate Services Committee

Notices and meeting information for meeting participants and the public
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request. Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Counc... (cont)
Declarations of Interest
Confirmation of Minutes
Finance and Corporate Services Committee (FCSC) Minutes 3 – 4 April 2023
Finance and Corporate Services Committee (FCSC) Confidential Minutes 3, 2023 – 4 April, 2023 (Distributed separately)
Responses to Inquiries
OCC 2023-02 - Non Disclosure Agreements and Sexual Assault
Postponements and Deferrals
Declaration of Surplus Land - 2060 Lanthier Drive and Transfer to Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation
ACS2023-PRE-CRO-0001-v2 - Orléans South-Navan (19)  Deferred from the Finance and Corporate Services Committee Meeting of March 7, 2023, Report revised. Report Recommendations That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee: Declare a portion of 2060 Lanthier Drive, being Part of PIN 14563-0641, containing an area of approximately 3.31 hectares (8.18 acres) and shown as Parcel 1 on Document 1 attached as surplus to City requirements. Recommend City Council authorize the transfer of 2060 L... (cont)
Finance and Corporate Services Department
Conservation Authorities 2023 Levies
ACS2023-FCS-FSP-0005 - Citywide Report Recommendation That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee recommend that Council: Approve the 2023 levies for the Rideau Valley, South Nation and Mississippi Valley Conservation Authorities as presented in Document 1, and as outlined in this report. 
2021 and 2022 Lansdowne Annual Report
ACS2023-CMR-OCM-0004 - Citywide Report Recommendations That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee recommend Council receive the following status update report related to the Lansdowne Partnership Plan. The update from the City Manager outlining the delegated authority exercised from November 2020 to date by the City Manager, the City Solicitor and the City Treasurer, under the finalized and executed Lansdowne Partnership Plan Legal Agreements; The update from the City Manager on the Oc... (cont)
Office of the City Clerk
City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan – Annual Update (2023)
ACS2023-OCC-GEN-0004 - Citywide Report Recommendations That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee recommend that Council: Receive the City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan – Annual Update (2023) report; Receive the updated Web Accessibility Policy (Document 1); and Approve the updated Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Training Plan (Document 2), which includes mandatory training requirements for supervisors in a Level 6 SAP designated position to receive th... (cont)
Office of the City Clerk 2022 Annual Report
ACS2023-OCC-GEN-0005 - Citywide Report Recommendations That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee recommend that City Council: Receive this report; Approve the Departmental French Language Services Operational Plans for the 2022-2026 Term of Council and the annual goals for 2023-2024, as described in this report and set out in Documents 4 and 5; Approve the amendments to Schedule “A” of the Records Retention and Disposition By-law as outlined in this report and set out in Documents 7 a... (cont)
Status Update – Finance and Corporate Services Committee Inquiries and Motions for the period ending April 21, 2023
ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0056 - Citywide Report Recommendation That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee receive this report for information.
Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department
Delegation of Authority – Acquisition and Sale of Property – 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022
ACS2023-PRE-CRO-0007 - Citywide Report Recommendation That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee receive this report for information.
Ottawa Nightlife Economy Action Plan
ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0008 - Citywide Report Recommendations That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee recommend Council: Receive the Nightlife Economy Action Plan and direct staff to initiate the recommendations contained therein and summarized in Document 1; Direct staff to report back to the Finance and Corporate Services Committee on the progress of the Nightlife Economy Action Plan by the end of Q4 2024; and Direct staff to report back to the Finance and Corporate Services Committee on... (cont)
Declaration of Surplus Land – 3169 and 3179 Conroy Road and Transfer to Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation
ACS2023-PRE-CRO-0002 - Gloucester-Southgate (10)  Report Recommendations That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee: Declare 3169 Conroy Road and 3179 Conroy Road, being 04165-0544 and 04165-0548, containing an area of approximately 4.393 hectares (10.86 acres) and shown as Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 on Document 1 attached as surplus to City requirements; Recommend City Council authorize staff to transfer the lands detailed in Recommendation 1 above, subject to existing easements and any ea... (cont)
In Camera Items
Information Previously Distributed
Update on the City of Ottawa’s response to the proceedings of the Public Order Emergency Commission
Notices of Motions (For Consideration at Subsequent Meeting)
Other Business
Motion - Councillor M. Luloff - CIP Application by Trim Works Developments Limited for 1280 Trim Road
That the matter below be added as an additional item at the May 2, 2023 meeting of Finance and Corporate Services Committee, pursuant to Section 89(3) of the Procedure By-law. WHEREAS the Integrated Orléans Community Improvement Plan (CIP) was adopted by Council on September 8, 2021 (link to staff report) and By-law No. 2021 – 285 provides comprehensive program details and designates the Integrated Orléans Community Improvement Plan (CIP) and Project Area; WHEREAS it was determined at the Council... (cont)
Next Meeting Tuesday, 6 June 2023
