February 12 - 17:00
Board of Health
Please see the attached document for public notices and meeting information, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; processes and timelines for written and oral submissions; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.
Confirmation of minutes of the meeting of December 4, 2023
Three communication items have been received (held on file with the Board of Health Secretary).
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Confirmation of the Chair and Vice-Chair for 2024, the Chair of the Board of Health Verbal Report, the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report, the Verbal Report on the Education Session Regarding Voluntary Mergers and the reports titled: Indigenous Health, Rights and Reconciliation: Annual Update and Attendance at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) Winter Symposium, be received and considered.
File ACS2024-OPH-BOH-0001- City-wide
THAT the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit:
Confirm the election of Councillor Catherine Kitts as Chair for 2024, to be confirmed at the first meeting of each year of its term as required by the Health Protection and Promotion Act; and
Confirm the election of Member Tammy DeGiovanni as Vice-Chair for 2024, to be confirmed at the first meeting of each year of its term as required by the Health Protection and Promotion Act.
File ACS2023-OPH-BOH-0002 – City-wide
That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this verbal report for information.
File ACS2023-OPH-MOH-001 – City-wide
That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this verbal report for information.
File ACS2024-OPH-BOH-0003 – City-wide
File ACS2023-OPH-HED-0001 – City-wide
THAT the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive, for information, this update on Ottawa Public Health’s continuing efforts to become a culturally safe and humble organization, as outlined in the OPH Reconcili-ACTION Plan.
File ACS2023-OPH-BOH-0004 – City-wide
THAT the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve the participation of Chair Kitts, Vice-Chair DeGiovanni and Member Bauer at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) Winter Symposium, to be held February 16, 2024.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Confirmation of the Chair and Vice-Chair for 2024, the Chair of the Board of Health Verbal Report, the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report, the Verbal Report on the Education Session Regarding Voluntary Mergers and the reports titled: Indigenous Health, Rights and Reconciliation: Annual Update and Attendance at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) Winter Symposium, be received and adopted.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Confirmation By-law no. 2024-1, a by-law of the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to confirm the proceedings of the Ottawa Board of Health at its meeting of February 12, 2024, be read and passed.
Monday, April 15 - 5:00 PM