November 01 - 08:30

Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

Notices and meeting information for meeting participants and the public
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request. Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Counc... (cont)
Declarations of Interest
Confirmation of Minutes
ARAC Minutes 7 - Thursday, October 5, 2023 
Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department
Zoning By-law Amendment – 4639 Highway 17
ACS2023-PRE-PSX-0001 - West Carlton-March (5) Report Recommendation(s) That Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for part of 4639 Highway 17, as shown in Document 1, to prohibit residential development on the retained farmland, as detailed in Document 2. That Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written ... (cont)
Zoning By-law Amendment - 1500 Thomas Argue Road 
ACS2023-PRE-PS-0016 - West Carleton-March (5) Report recommendation(s) That Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1500 Thomas Argue Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit single-detached dwellings and townhouse units in place of the residential hangar lots as set-out in the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision, as detailed in Document 2. That Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee approve the Consultation Details Section o... (cont)
Infrastructure and Water Services
Subsequent connection to the Faulkner Municipal Drain, Hewitt Branch
ACS2023-IWS-WL-0004 - Rideau-Jock (21)  Report recommendation(s) That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council approve the engineer’s report prepared by Robinson Consultants Inc., entitled Engineer’s Report S. 65 – Subsequent Connection to the Faulkner Municipal Drain Hewitt Branch and give consideration to this report in accordance with Section 65(5) of the Drainage Act of Ontario.
Court of Revision
Simpson Municipal Drain construction of the Biltmore Branch and modification of Branch 3 – Court of revision
ACS2023-IWS-WL-0006 - Rideau-Jock (21)  Report recommendation(s) That the members of the Court of Revision:  Receive the report of the Engineer appointed under the Drainage Act entitled Amendment to the Engineer’s report for the Engineer’s report amendments to the Simpson Municipal Drain construction of the Biltmore Branch and modification of Branch 3 dated August 2023. Convene for the first sitting for the Court of Revision under subsection 46(3) of the Drainage Act for the purpose of hearin... (cont)
In Camera Items
Open Mic Session
Information Previously Distributed
ROMA 2023 Annual Conference Delegate Report (Councillor Kelly)
ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0039 - City Wide
ROMA 2023 Conference Delegate Report (Councillor Brockington)
ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0140 - City Wide
Notices of Motions (For Consideration at Subsequent Meeting)
Other Business
Thursday, December 7, 2023
