April 24 - 09:30

Planning and Housing Committee

Notices and meeting information for meeting participants and the public
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request. Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Counc... (cont)
Declarations of Interest
Confirmation of Minutes
PHC Minutes 25 – Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Responses to Inquiries
PHC-2023-03 - Updates made to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System
PHC-2023-04 - Development and stormwater systems
Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department
Zoning By-law Amendment Part of 3288, 3300 Borrisokane Road
ACS2024-PRE-PS-0036 - Barrhaven West (3) Report Recommendation(s) That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council direct staff to proceed with supporting an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for part of 3288 and 3300 Borrisokane Road, generally as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 6, to permit a low-rise residential development, provided the following occurs: The related Plan of Subdivision Revision application is draft approved.  The cost splitting for the transit corrid... (cont)
Zoning By-law Amendment 4305, 4345, 4375 McKenna Casey Drive and 3288, 3300 Borrisokane Road
ACS2024-PRE-PS-0035 - Barrhaven West (3) Report Recommendation(s) That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council direct staff to proceed with supporting an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 4305, 4345, 4375 McKenna Casey Drive and part of 3288, 3300 Borrisokane Road, generally as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 4, to permit a low-rise residential development, provided the following occurs: The related Plan of Subdivision is draft approved.  The cost splitting for t... (cont)
Zoning By-law Amendment – 315 and part of 321 Chapel Street, 8 Blackburn Avenue
ACS2024-PRE-PSX-0013 – Rideau Vanier (12)   Report recommendation(s) That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 315 and part of 321 Chapel Street and 8 Blackburn Avenue, as shown in Document 1, to permit a nine storey building, as detailed in Document 2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Publi... (cont)
Application to alter 315-321 Chapel Street, properties designated under Parts IV and V of the Ontario Heritage Act
ACS2024-PRE-RHU-0041 – Rideau Vanier (12) This report was submitted to the Built Heritage Housing Committee on April 9, 2024. The statutory 90-day timeline for consideration of this application under the Ontario Heritage Act will expire on May 27, 2024. Report Recommendation(s) That Planning and Housing Committee recommend that Council: Approve the application to alter 315-321 Chapel Street, according to plans submitted by Linebox Studio dated January 25, 2024, conditional upon: The applic... (cont)
Zoning By-law Amendment – 1166 Bank Street
ACS2024-PRE-PS-0057 – Capital (17) Report Recommendation(s) That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1166 Bank Street, as shown in Document 1, to permit a six-storey mixed-use building, as detailed in Document 2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Offi... (cont)
Riverside South Secondary Plan
ACS2024-PRE-EDP-0038 – Riverside South-Findlay Creek (22) Report Recommendation(s) That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council: Approve an amendment to Volume 2A of the Official Plan to add the Riverside South Secondary Plan, including Schedule A – Designation Plan, and Schedule B – Maximum Building Heights, as detailed in Documents 1, 2, and 3, and repeal the Riverside South Community Design Plan. Approve an amendment to Volume 1 of the Official Plan to change the Minimum Area-wide... (cont)
Motions of Which Notice has been Previously Given
Motion - Councillor A. Troster - Renovictions
ACS2024-OCC-CCS-0045 - Citywide Report Recommendation(s) That the Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council direct the General Manager of the Emergency and Protective Services Department, in consultation with the Community and Social Service Department, the Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department Legal Services, to review the City of Hamilton’s Renovation Licence and Relocation By-law and report back to the appropriate Standing Committee of Council by Q4 2024, with a p... (cont)
In Camera Items
Notices of Motions (For Consideration at Subsequent Meeting)
Other Business
Next Meetings Monday, April 29, 2024 - Joint Planning and Housing Committee and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Wednesday May 8, 2024 - Regular Planning and Housing Committee  
