March 26 - 10:00
City Council
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.
Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.
Councillor W. Lo
No regrets were filed.
Deferred from the City Council meeting of January 29, 2025.
File No. ACS2024-SI-HSI-0028 - West Carleton-March (Ward 5)
Finance and Corporate Services Committee recommendation(s)
That Council:
Approve the fee simple acquisition of a 223-acre parcel of land, including structures, legally described as Pt Lt B, C, D Con Gore on Chaudiere Lake Fitzroy as in N773438 except Pt 1 4R23277; West Carleton, (PIN 04559-1843) and shown on Document 1 and 2 attached hereto, from Marion Elizabeth Badham for the total consideration of $1,950,000 plus applicable taxe... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-OCC-GEN-0005 - Osgoode (Ward 20)
Report Recommendation(s)
That City Council declare the Office of City Councillor, Ward 20 (Osgoode) to be vacant, as required in accordance with Section 262 of the Municipal Act, 2001.
That City Council approve and enact the By-law to Require a By-election, attached as Document 1, which requires that a by-election be held to fill the vacancy in the Office of City Councillor, Ward 20 (Osgoode), in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 19... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-OCC-CCS-0042 - Orléans South-Navan (Ward 19)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council:
Direct staff to appoint Andrew J. Robinson Consulting as the engineer under Section 78 of the Drainage Act to prepare a report on the necessary improvements to the Bear River Municipal Drain, including consideration of updated capacity, flood mitigation, and compliance with provincial drainage regulations; and
Direct staff to monitor the flood conditions throughout the season including the ... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-RCF-GEN-0001 – City-wide
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council approve the new Cultural Funding Policy as outlined in Document 1.
File No. ACS2025-OCC-CCS-0008 – Bay (Ward 7)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council approve:
That staff be directed to engage with the community to determine their priorities and preferences for the future recreational use of the Belltown Dome site, ensuring a thorough and inclusive public consultation process; and
That following the engagement process, staff work with the Ward Councillor and the community to analyze the results of the community consultation and develop next steps in d... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-OCC-CCS-0007 – Bay (Ward 7)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council approve that City staff consider the needs of Bay Ward and the Inner Urban Transect as soon as possible when opportunities for new multiuse facilities with arena ice pads arise.
File No. ACS2025-SI-ED-0006 – Kanata North (Ward 4)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council:
Authorize the City and delegate authority to the General Manager, Infrastructure and Water Services Department, to enter into a Third-Party Infrastructure Agreement with Nokia Canada Inc. for the design and construction of the local watermain along Legget Drive to an upset limit of $2,500,000.00 plus applicable taxes, in accordance with the Principles for Agreement set forth in Document 1 and with th... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-OCC-CCS-0033 – City-wide
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council direct City staff to:
Conduct a focused review of Ottawa’s road salt use, with a specific emphasis on its environmental impact, particularly its effects on local waterways; and
Report back on the following:
The measures taken by the City’s Public Works department to ensure salt application aligns with environmental and climate change considerations while maintaining public safety;
Any assessments conducted on... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-LEG-GEN-0001 - City-wide
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council receive this report for information.
File No. ACS2025-FCS-FLT-0001 - City-wide
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council:
Approve the Green Fleet Strategy for the City of Ottawa attached as Document 1 and as outlined in this report;
Approve the adoption of an agile implementation framework for the Green Fleet Strategy, incorporating scheduled technology and progress reviews to ensure flexibility and responsiveness to emerging vehicle technologies and industry trends;
Direct staff to complete the initial comprehensive technology... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-OCC-CCS-0025 - College (Ward 8); Barrhaven West (Ward 3)
Committee Recommendation(s) as amended
That Council approve:
Designating Community Safety Zones on:
Maitland Avenue between Hwy 417 and Clyde Ave;
Larkin Drive between Carroll Court to Tripp Crescent;
River Mist Road between Egret Way and Boddington Street; and,
On the two connected roads of Weybridge Drive (between Chatham Gardens and Natick Gate) and Kennevale Drive (between Hummingbird Crescent and Flanders Stree... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-OCC-CCS-0035 - Orléans West-Innes (Ward 2)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council approve that staff be directed:
To undertake a review of the speed zone changes along Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard North to assess the feasibility of harmonizing the speed limits in consultation with the Ward Councillors, using preliminary findings from the ongoing Speed Zone Policy update; and,
To consider any possible changes to harmonize speeds in advance of presenting the updated Speed Zone Poli... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-IWS-WL-0006 – West Carleton-March (Ward 5)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council consider the recommendation brought forward by Robinson Consultants Inc. attached as document 2 in accordance with Section 5(1) of the Drainage Act of Ontario and not proceed with the drainage works.
File No. ACS2025-IWS-WL-0005 – Orléans South-Navan (Ward 19)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council appoint Mr. Andy Robinson, P. Eng. of Robinson Consultants Inc., as the Engineer of record to prepare a report under Section 78(5) of the Drainage Act to prepare a new report to accommodate the relocation of the existing East Savage Municipal Drain within Lot 11, Concession 11, Orleans South-Navan Ward.
File No. ACS2025-PDB-PSX-0017 – West Carleton-March (Ward 5)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1811 Richardson Side Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit a larger on-farm diversified use for a place of assembly than what is currently permitted by the Zoning By-law, as detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2025-FCS-FSP-0002 - City-wide
Committee Recommendation(s) as amended
That Council receive this report for information, as amended by FCSC Motion 2025-22-02.
File No. ACS2025-FCS-FIN-0001 - City-wide
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council adopt this report in accordance with Ontario Regulation 284/09 and include the accrual budget presentation within the City of Ottawa’s final adopted 2025 budget book, for information purposes.
File No. ACS2025-SI-HSI-0001 - College (Ward 8)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council enact the By-law attached as Document 1 hereto authorizing the City to proceed with the expropriation of the lands described in Schedule A to the By-law (the “Lands”) including:
Registering a plan of expropriation with respect to the Lands;
Serving notice of expropriation and possession on the owners of the Lands;
Serving offers of compensation as contemplated in Section 25 of the Expropriations ... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-PDB-PSX-0006 – Kitchissippi (Ward 15)
Committee Recommendation(s) as amended
That Council approve:
An amendment to the Official Plan, Volume 2A, Wellington Street West Secondary Plan, for 50 Bayswater Avenue and 1088 Somerset Street West, as shown in Document 1, to permit a mixed-use development consisting of a six-storey building fronting onto Somerset Street West and a 16-storey addition to an existing 17-storey high-rise building on Bayswater Avenue, as detailed in Docume... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-PDB-PSX-0001 - Kitchissippi (Ward 15)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council:
Approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1950 Scott Street, 312 and 314 Clifton Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit the construction of a 22 storey mixed-use building and remove the Holding Symbol, as detailed in Document 2.
Direct Legal staff to enter into a Section 37 Agreement on the terms outlined in Document 5.
File No. ACS2025-PDB-PSX-0002 - Kanata North (Ward 4)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council approve:
An amendment to the Official Plan, Volume 2C and Annex 5, for Part of 1104 Halton Terrace, as shown in Document 1, to permit a five-storey residential apartment building, subject to the criteria of an area specific policy, as detailed in Document 2.
An amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250, as amended, for Part of 1104 Halton Terrace, as shown in Document 3, to permit a five-storey residenti... (cont)
File No. ACS2025-PDB-PSX-0024 – Stittsville (Ward 6)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 785 Cope Drive and 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142 Dagenham Street, as shown in Document 1, to permit the reconfiguration of a park block in a residential subdivision to accommodate a neighbourhood park and townhouse dwellings, as detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2025-OCC-CCS-0024 - Gloucester-Southgate (Ward 10)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council approve that the speed limit be lowered from 60 km/h to 50 km/h on Bank Street from approximately 150m south of Kitchener Ave to Hunt Club Road.
File No. ACS2025-OCC-CCS-0028 - City-wide
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council direct Infrastructure and Water Services staff to report back as a part of the 2025 AMP update report on the feasibility of allocating the road renewal budget across the road classes to ensure a more responsive level of investment in local roads.
File No. ACS2025-OCC-CCS-0044 - City-wide
Report Recommendation(s)
That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of February 26, 2025, that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as applicable, as described in this report and attached as Document 1-3.
That Council receive the list of items approved by its Committees under Delegated Authority, attached as Document 1.
Moved by R. Brockington
Seconded byT. Tierney
WHEREAS the St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Parish located at 750 Ridgewood Avenue is expecting significant attendance during the Orthodox Easter period that will result in overflow parking needs that cannot be accommodated on their site; and
WHEREAS the parish has requested the ability for their parishioners to use the Mooney’s Bay Park parking lot during the Easter season, in keeping with past arrangements; and
WHEREAS, with 1600 families in the... (cont)
Notice of Intent from the Light Rail Regulatory Monitor and Compliance Officer to submit the Annual Compliance report to the April 10, 2025 meeting of the Transit Committee.
Moved by C. Curry
Seconded byM. Carr
That the by-laws listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three Readings, be read and passed.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-301, as amended, regulating traffic and parking on highways.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to regulate the control of discharges to sewers and sewage works and to repeal By-law 2003-514.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2002-293, as amended, to appoint Drainage Superintenden... (cont)
To be considered in camera pursuant to Procedure By-law (By-law No. 2022-410), Subsections 13 (1)(e), litigation or potential litigation affecting the City, and 13(1)(f), the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose .
As the content of the in camera update contains information pertaining to the legal aspects of the subject matter, the material falls within the exception contemplated by Subsections 13(1)(e) and (f) of Ci... (cont)