February 07 - 13:00

Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1

275 King Edward (Ward 12 - Rideau-Vanier)
D08-01-2023/B-00299 Consent Application (165177 Canada Inc.) To grant an easement to the abutting property owner. (Agent: D. Jacobs)
81 Spadina (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
D08-02-23/A-00294 Minor Variance Application (Clint Dulude) To permit a coach house dwelling with a shed style roof with an increased building height and an increased interior side yard setback. (Agent: A. Bisson)
484 Kenwood (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
D08-02-23/A-00284 Minor Variance Application (David and Janelle Marshall) To permit a second storey addition over the existing sunroom. (Agent: R. Larocque)
233 Gilmour (Ward 14 - Somerset)
D08-02-23/A-00295 Permission Application (PSAC Holdings Ltd.) To permit a vestibule addition at the front of the existing office building. (Agent: S. Gibson)
469 Wilbrod (Ward 12 - Rideau-Vanier)
D08-02-2021/A-00345 Minor Variance Application (2672616 Ontario Inc.) To permit reduced front and rear yard setbacks for the conversion of the existing three-unit dwelling into a four-unit, low-rise apartment building.  (Agent: R. Viau)
150 Lyman (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
D08-02-23/A-00327 Minor Variance Application (Shirin Roshanafshar) To permit a front facing attached garage for the construction of a two-storey detached dwelling. 
407, 409 and 411 Queen (Ward 14 - Somerset)
D08-02-23/A-00226, 00287, 00289 Minor Variance Applications (1470475 Ontario Inc. - Fleming Property Management) To permit front yard parking spaces and reduced landscape buffer widths. (Agent: T. Nahal)
97 MacLaren (Ward 14 - Somerset)
8.1  D08-01-23/B-00328 - 00329 8.2  D08-02-23/A-00301 Consent & Minor Variance Applications (1828487 Ontario Inc) To subdivide the property into two parcels of land with a shared easement. The existing dwelling will remain with a reduced lot width and side yard setback. (Agent: A. Falsetto)
61 Parent (Ward 12 - Rideau-Vanier)
D08-02-23/A-00240 Minor Variance Application (Groupe MJ Perfectus) To permit reduced rear yard and side yard setbacks for the construction of a four-storey addition, containing 16 additional dwelling units. (Agent: C. Lemieux)
62 Stirling (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
D08-01-23/B-00331 Consent Application (Stephen Peippo and Matthew Greig) To create an easement for storm water services for the benefit of the adjacent property, known municipally as 69 Ladouceur Avenue. (Agent: A. Sanford)
577 Melbourne (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
D08-02-23/A-00302 - 00303 Minor Variance Applications (Danny Ibrahim) To permit reduced rear and interior side yard setbacks, and front facing garages for the construction of two detached dwellings. (Agent: S. Schneider)
30 Beckwith (Ward 17 - Capital)
D08-02-23/A-00318 Minor Variance Application (Amanda and Connor McGarry) To permit a parking space with reduced length and width..
288 Clemow (Ward 17 - Capital)
D08-02-23/A-00306 Minor Variance Application (Timothy R Asmis and Venessa Gruben) To permit a reduced rear yard area, rear yard setback, and a reduced distance between the accessory structure to the dwelling. (Agent: A. Soor)
582 Mariposa (Ward 13 - Rideau-Rockcliffe)
D08-02-23/A-00308 Minor Variance Application (Mark McMahon) To permit an increased driveway width and cumulative vehicular access width for the construction of a two-storey addition with an attached double garage. (Agent: J. Penn)
258 Montfort (Ward 12 - Rideau-Vanier)
D08-02-23/A-00321 Minor Variance Application (12445263 Canada Inc.) To permit a reduced lot width for the construction of an eight-unit, low-rise apartment building (Agent: C. Jalkotzy)
