July 22 - 16:00

Ottawa Police Service Board

Notices and meeting information for participants and members of the public
Confirmation of Agenda
That the Ottawa Police Service Board confirm the agenda of the 22 July 2024 meeting.
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes #103 of 24 June 2024 
That the Ottawa Police Service Board confirm Minutes #103 of the 24 June 2024 meeting.
Committee Meetings: Reports from Committee Chairs & Minutes
Finance and Audit Committee- Draft Minutes #26 of 27 June, 2024
That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this item for information.
Declarations of Interest
Public Delegations
The final public delegate list will be recorded as part of the final draft minutes for the July 22, 2024 meeting. 
Items of Business
Chair’s verbal report
Chair's report That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.
Chief’s verbal report
Chief's report That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.
Temporary Assistance in Policing Canada Day: Requests for Temporary Assistance, Memoranda Of Understanding, and Special Constables Appointments
This item is before the Board for ratification following pre-approval of the agreements in June 2024, under delegated authority by the Chair and Vice Chair. That the Ottawa Police Service Board approve: Appointments of 44 RCMP officers as Special Constables for the purposes of assisting OPS in the policing of Canada Day 2024 (on file with the Acting Executive Director).  One request for temporary assistance from the South Simcoe Police Service for Canada Day (on file with the Acting Executive... (cont)
Agreement Renewal Between the Ottawa Police Service Board and Carleton University, Special Constable Program
Chief’s report That the Ottawa Police Service Board: Approve the revised agreement for continuation of the Carleton University, Special Constable Program under the terms pursuant to the Community Safety and Policing Act for a 5-year term ending June 30, 2029. Delegate authority to the Chair and Vice-Chair to: Approve appointments of special constables under this agreement; and Approve amendments to the Special Constable Program Agreements with Carleton University and the City of Ot... (cont)
Ottawa Police Service 2023-2025 Drive2 Strategy Update Report
Chief’s report & Presentation That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.
Annual Use of Force Report - 2023
Chief’s report  That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.
Complaints Report – Police Services Act, Community Safety and Policing Act and Special Investigations Unit Act: Second Quarter 2024
Chief’s report  That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.
Core Strategy and Neighbourhood Operations Centre Implementation Plan
Chief’s report  That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.
Legal Services Status Report – 2024 Second Quarter
Board Solicitor's report That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.
Outstanding Board Inquiries, Motions & Directions: July 2024 Report
Acting Executive Director 's report That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information. 
Letters of Commendation: July 2024
Chief’s report That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information. 
Other Business
In Camera Items
In accordance with Section 44 of the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, the Ottawa Police Service Board met in a closed session prior to the public meeting to discuss items pertaining to the following subject matter: Operational Update re: Major Events and Demonstrations Confidential Lease Renewal Personal matter Complaints Committee Report Incoming Request for Temporary Assistance Labour Relations Matter Labour Relations Unit Report - Second Quarter 2024 Legal Services Status Repo... (cont)
Next Meeting
Regular Meeting – Monday, September 23, 2024 - 4:00 PM
