December 10 - 09:00
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
1296 Old Montreal (Ward 1 - Orléans East-Cumberland)D08-01-24/B-00224
I provide professional services to the owner and have worked on this property.
4305 McKenna Casey, 3288 & 3300 Borrisokane (Ward 3 - Barrhaven West)D08-01-24/B-00237 - 00238
I provide professional services to the owner and have worked on this property.
Adjourned sine die
Adjourned to February 18, 2024
D08-02-24/A-00196 [ Granted ]
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): Peter and Sue-Ellen Johnston
To permit a reduced side yard setback for the expansion of the existing attached garage.
D08-02-24/A-00282 [ Granted ]
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): 12213559 Canada Inc.Agent: A. Clarke
To permit a reduced number of resident and visitor parking spaces for the construction of a 28-unit low-rise apartment building.
Consent Application
Applicant(s): Tamarack (Cardinal Creek) CorporationAgent: P. Hume
To subdivide the property into two separate lots, to create one new lot for future development.
4.1 D08-01-24/B 00211
4.2 D08-02-24/A-00269
Consent & Minor Variance Applications
Applicant(s): Amsted Developments Ltd.Agent: T. Zander
To subdivide the property to create separate lots for two existing commercial buildings, with a reduced side yard and lot area for one lot.
D08-01-24/B-00183 [ Granted ]
Consent Application
Adjourned from November 10 and October 15, 2024
Applicant(s): Jane Blanchette and Linda DumoulinAgent: K. Curry
To convey a portion of the property to the abutting property owner to the north, 3325 Eagleson Road.