July 07 - 13:00

Police Services Board Human Resources Committee

Election of Committee Chair
Confirmation of Agenda
That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Human Resources Committee confirm the agenda of the 7 July 2023 meeting.
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes #14 of 30 August 2022 
That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Human Resources Committee confirm Minutes #14 of the 30 August 2022 meeting.
Declarations of Interest
Items of Business
Review of Board Resourcing Requirements
Executive Director's report That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Human Resources Committee receive this item for information and discussion.
Executive Command Performance Evaluation Framework
Executive Director's report That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Human Resources Committee receive this item for information and discussion.
Other Business
Consideration of Motion to Move In Camera
That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Human Resources Committee adjourn the public portion of its meeting to move In Camera to discuss confidential items pertaining to five labour relations matters pursuant to Section 35(4)(b) of the Police Services Act.
In Camera Items
Labour Relations Matter Labour Relations Matter Labour Relations Matter Labour Relations Matter Labour Relations Matter
Next Meeting
Tuesday, September 05, 2023 - 2:30 PM
