October 15 - 10:00
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): Pamela Coburn and André Gagnon
To permit a reduced setback from the normal high-water mark for the conversion of an existing covered patio into a family room.
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): Paul Drolet and Sharon Drolet
To permit a reduced setback from the normal high-water mark for the construction of a one-storey detached dwelling.
Consent Application
Applicant(s): Jane Blanchette and Linda DumoulinAgent: K. Curry
To convey a portion of the property to the abutting property owner to the north, 3325 Eagleson Road.
Consent Application
Applicant(s): Crestpoint Real Estate (Iber Road) Inc.Agent: J. Ireland
To subdivide the property into two parcels of land to establish separate ownership for each of the two existing industrial buildings.