September 27 - 10:00

City Council

Call to order and moment of reflection
National Anthem
Councillor D. Hill
Public notices and meeting information
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.
Announcements / Ceremonial Activities
Roll Call
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes of the Council meeting of 13 September 2023
Declarations of Interest Including Those Originally Arising from Prior Meetings
Other communications received
Petition received containing the signatures of 37 individuals in opposition to the proposed development and By-law changes required for the project at 2475 Regina Street (Planning and Housing Committee Report 15, Agenda Item 18.6). Electronic Petition received containing the signatures of 3421 individuals calling on Ottawa City Council to implement of five (5) ways to improve the Landsdowne 2.0 proposal (public realm enhancements, no net-loss of accessible greenspace, affordable housing, no skysc... (cont)
Responses to Inquiries
OCC 2023-08 - Mandate and Objectives of Experimental Farm consultation
No regrets were filed. 
Motion to Introduce Reports
Moved by T. Kavanagh Seconded byG. Gower
City Clerk
Appointments to the Planning Advisory Committee
ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0116 - Citywide Report Recommendation(s) That, further to the deliberations of the Selection Panel, Council approve the following appointments to the Planning Advisory Committee, all terms to be effective upon Council approval, for the 2022-2026 Term of Council: Members residing in the Rural Area of Ottawa: Josiane Roberds Francois Rivest Members residing within the Urban Area outside of the Greenbelt: Jason Huang Colin White Members residing inside the Greenbelt: Alexus Ball A... (cont)
Appointments to the French Language Services Advisory Committee
ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0111 - Citywide Report Recommendation(s) That, further to the deliberations of the Selection Panel, Council approve the following appointments to the French Language Services Advisory Committee, all terms to be effective upon Council approval, for the 2022-2026 Term of Council: Warsama Aden Fatouma Ali-Ismail Marc Beaudry Mireille Brownhill Diane Desaulniers Katherine Dupuis Danièle Filion Pierre Loranger Lina Nada Maach Marc Maisonneuve Neiges Sénéchal
Audit Committee Report 3
Office of the Auditor General (OAG) – Audit of the Prevention of Workplace Violence and Harassment
ACS2023-OAG-BVG-0008 - Citywide Committee recommendation That Council consider and approve the recommendations. 
Office of the Auditor General (OAG) – Investigation of Manotick Business Improvement Area Expenses
ACS2023-OAG-BVG-0009 - Citywide Committee recommendations That Council: consider and approve the recommendations in the Investigation of Manotick Business Improvement Area Expenses – Role of the City of Ottawa report (Document 2); and receive the Investigation of Manotick Business Improvement Area Expenses report (Document 1)
Office of the Auditor General (OAG) – Preliminary Report on Cybersecurity
To be considered In-Camera pursuant to the Procedure By-law 2022-410, Subsection 13(1)(a), the security of the property of the city ACS2023-OAG-BVG-0010 - Citywide Committee recommendation That Council consider and approve the recommendations.
Built Heritage Committee Report 8
Designation of Highland Park Lawn Bowling Club at 439 Golden Avenue under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
File No. ACS2023-PRE-RHU-0030 - Kitchissippi (15)  Committee recommendation That Council issue a Notice of Intention to Designate Highland Park Lawn Bowling Club at 439 Golden Avenue under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act according to the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value attached as Document 5.
Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee Report 6
Ottawa Fire Services 2021 and 2022 Annual Report
File No. ACS-2023-EPS-PPD-0002 - City-wide Committee Recommendation That Council receive this report for information.
Clothing Donation Box By-law Review
File No. ACS-2023-EPS-PPD-0002 - City-wide Committee Recommendation That Council approve the proposed Clothing Donation Box By-law as described in this report and in the general form set out in Document 1.
Environment and Climate Change Committee Report 6
Drinking Water Quality Management System 2022 Management Review Report and Operational Plan
File No. ACS2023-IWS-WF-0004 – City-wide Report Recommendations That Council: Receive the 2022 Management Review report of the Drinking Water Quality Management System, and Endorse the Drinking Water Quality Management System Operational Plan
Solid Waste Services 2026 Residential Curbside Collection Contract
File No. ACS2023-PWD-SWS-0004 – City-wide Report Recommendations That Council: Approve the proposed solid waste collection service level changes and receive an update on the procurement of the 2026 Curbside Collection Contract as described in this report; and Approve the use of private landfills to divert approximately 60,000 tonnes of curbside garbage from the Trail Waste Facility Landfill, annually, over the term of the 2026 Curbside Collection Contract as described in this report; and Dire... (cont)
Planning and Housing Committee Report 15
Zoning By-law Amendment – 1081 Carling Avenue
ACS2023-PRE-PS-0118 - Kitchissippi (15) Committee recommendation(s) That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1081 Carling Avenue, as shown in Document 1, to permit two high-rise residential apartment buildings, as detailed in Document 2.
Zoning By-law Amendment – 230 and 232 Lisgar Street
ACS2023-PRE-PS-0113 - Somerset (14) Committee recommendation(s) That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 230 and 232 Lisgar Street, as shown in Document 1, to permit a nine-storey apartment building as detailed in Document 2.
Application for demolition and new construction at 230-232 Lisgar Street, a property designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act
ACS2023-PRE-RHU-0031 - Somerset (14) Built Heritage Committee and Planning and Housing Committee recommendation(s) That Council: Approve the applications to demolish the buildings at 230 and 232 Lisgar Street, conditional upon: The applicant depositing photographs and research material related to the site’s existing buildings to the City of Ottawa Archives, as required by Policy 5.6 of the Centretown and Minto Park HCD Plan. Approve the application for new construction at 230 and 232 Lis... (cont)
Zoning By-Law Amendment – 352 Somerset Street West
ACS2023-PRE-PS-0092 - Somerset (14) Committee recommendation(s) That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 352 Somerset Street West, as shown in Document 1, to permit a three-storey addition to the rear of the existing mixed-use heritage building, as detailed in Document 2.
Application to alter Somerset House, 352 Somerset Street West, a property designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act and located in the Centretown Heritage Conservation District
ACS2023-PRE-RHU-0029 - Somerset (14) Built Heritage Committee and the Planning and Housing Committee recommendation(s) That Council: Approve the application to alter 352 Somerset Street West according to plans prepared by Chmiel Architects, dated June 9, 2023 conditional upon: The implementation of the conservation measures identified in the Heritage Impact Assessment and as illustrated in the Conservation Elevations attached as Documents 8 and 9; The applicant submitting reports monitoring... (cont)
Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning – 2475 Regina Street
ACS2023-PRE-PS-0109 - Bay (7) Committee recommendation(s) That Council: approve an amendment to the Official Plan, Volume 2C, for 2475 Regina Street in order to permit buildings up to 28 storeys, as detailed in Document 2; approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2475 Regina Street (Parkway House) to rezone from Parks and Open Space Zone (O1) to Residential Fifth Density Subzone C with a site-specific schedule and a holding provision (R5C[XXXX] SYYY-h) to permit seven-, 16- and 28-s... (cont)
Treasurer’s Report on 2022 Growth Related Revenues
ACS2023-FCS-FSP-0014 - City Wide Committee recommendation(s) That Council receive this report for information.
Transit Commission Report 7
Capital Adjustment for the Purchase of Additional Minibuses
File No. ACS2023-TSD-TCSP-0016 – City-wide  Commission Recommendations That Council approve: A reduction of $16.7 million in approved capital authority from the Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Program capital account 911101, be reallocated for the purchase of new minibuses and for account 911101 to be replenished as part of the 2024 Budget approval process; The creation of a new capital account dedicated to the purchase of 51 growth and replacement minibuses, to be used for Para Transpo and on-demand... (cont)
Bulk Consent Agenda
Audit Committee Report 3
Office of the Auditor General (OAG) – Audit Charter
ACS2023-OAG-BVG-0007 - Citywide Committee recommendation That Council approve the Office of the Auditor General’s Audit Charter.
Planning and Housing Committee Report 15
Zoning By-law Amendment - 555, 591, 595, and 603 March Road
ACS-2023-PRE-PS-0111 - Kanata North (4) Committee recommendation(s), as amended That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 555, 591, 595, and 603 March Road, as shown in Document 1, to rezone the lands from various industrial zones to General Mixed Use Zone with a site-specific exception and schedule and a holding provision (GM[XXXX] SYYY-h), as detailed in Documents 2, revised and 3, to permit a high-rise mixed-use development.
Front-Ending Report - Stormwater Management Pond 1 in Gloucester Urban Centre
ACS2023-PRE-PS-0117 - Orléans South-Navan (19) Committee recommendation(s) , as amended That Council: Authorize the City and delegate authority to the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department to enter into a Front-Ending Agreement(s) with Glenview Homes (Innes) Ltd., to: enable the design and construction of Pond 1 Modification – North of the Hydro Corridor to an upset limit of $2,456,761 plus applicable taxes and indexing, and enable the design and constr... (cont)
City Clerk – Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions
Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of September 13, 2023
ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0115 - Citywide  Report Recommendation That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of September 13, 2023, that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as applicable, as described in this report and attached as Documents 1-3.
In Camera Items
See item 13.3 on the agenda
Motion to Adopt Reports
Moved by T. Kavanagh Seconded byG. Gower
Motions of Which Notice Has Been Previously Given
Motion – Councillor S. Plante - to allow Brownfields Grant Applications at 200 Baribeau Street and 70 Nicholas Street
Deferred from the City Council meeting of 23 August, 2023 Moved by S. Plante Seconded byG. Gower WHEREAS at the December 14, 2022, City Council meeting, Motion 2022-04/20, as amended, was approved which suspended the City’s Brownfield Grant program for any new applications or applications that have yet to be considered by City Council; and WHEREAS a request for a Brownfield Grant Application for 200 Baribeau Street was submitted and complete prior to the program suspension; and WHEREAS an ... (cont)
Motion - Councillor C. Kitts - Request to Province regarding surplus proceeds from tax sale
Moved by C. Kitts Seconded byM. Sutcliffe WHEREAS prior to being repealed by Bill 68: Modernizing Ontario’s Municipal Legislation Act, 2017, Section 380(6) of the Municipal Act, 2001 allowed for a municipality to retain surplus proceeds from tax sales with their jurisdiction; and WHEREAS the City of Ottawa’s most recent tax sale resulted in a surplus of $1.7M that was remitted to the Provincial courts; and WHEREAS the current tax sale process puts a burden on the municipality in terms of time... (cont)
Motion - Councillor D. Brown - Extension of Antenna Concurrence for 5440 Fernbank
Moved by D. Brown Seconded byG. Gower WHEREAS the federal Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Client Procedures Circular CPC-2-0-03, Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems, issue 6, requires proponents of proposals for new antenna systems to consult with municipalities and the public; and WHEREAS as per Section 4.5 of CPC-2-0-03, construction of an antenna system must be completed within three years of the conclusion of consultation after which consult... (cont)
Motion - Councillor King - New Edinburgh Field House WiFi Installation
Moved by R. King Seconded byM. Carr WHEREAS the Crichton Community Council (CCC) is a community association in New Edinburgh that provides community programming and activities at the New Edinburgh Park Fieldhouse; and WHEREAS dating back to 2000, City Council had approved a capital allocation of $250,000 to the CCC for the expansion and enhancement of recreation and cultural infrastructure in New Edinburgh; and WHEREAS the New Edinburgh Community and Arts Center capital account currently hold... (cont)
Motion - Councillor J. Leiper - To call a Joint Finance and Corporate Services and Planning and Housing Committee meeting 
Motion - Councillor J. Leiper - To call a Joint Finance and Corporate Services and Planning and Housing Committee meeting to consider the report entitled “Lansdowne Partnership Plan - Authorization to Proceed to Redevelopment” Moved by J. Leiper Seconded byM. Sutcliffe WHEREAS staff from Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development and Finance and Corporate Services have worked together to develop recommendations to Committee and Council on the Lansdowne Partnership Plan; and  WHEREAS st... (cont)
Motion - Councillor S. Menard - Lansdowne 2.0 report
Moved by S. Menard Seconded byL. Johnson WHEREAS Council passed a motion in 2022 from Councillors Meehan and Cloutier which resolved the following: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT that Council requests the Auditor General consider undertaking a review of the Lansdowne project, based on risks identified throughout the life of project, commencing once staff have progressed further with their planned approach, utilizing an agile audit approach like the current audit of the Zero Emission Buses Pro... (cont)
Motion - Councillor S. Menard - Ontario’s Auditor General and Integrity Commissioner to review urban boundary expansion lands to Ottawa
Moved by S. Menard Seconded byR. Brockington WHEREAS Ontario’s Auditor General and Integrity Commissioner have investigated provincially directed greenbelt and urban boundary expansions in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area; and,  WHEREAS those investigations concluded that the province’s decisions were inappropriately influenced by the private interests of developer-connected donors to the Progressive Conservative Party; and,  WHEREAS the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has rece... (cont)
Motions Requiring Suspension of the Rules of Procedure
Notices of Motion (for Consideration at Subsequent Meeting)
Notice of Intent
Notice of Intent from the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation Submit the Annual Report for Consideration at the City Council Meeting of October 11, 2023.
Motion to Introduce By-laws
Three Readings
That the by-laws listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three Readings, be read and passed.   a.    A by-law to authorize the imposition of special charges on 2357 Ryan Dr. (the "benefitting property") b.    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at rue Sculpin Street, avenué Broadcast Avenue and voie Ryan Reynolds Way on Plan 4M-1726 as being exempt from Part Lot Control. c.    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public high... (cont)
Confirmation By-law
Moved by T. Kavanagh Seconded byG. Gower That the following by-law be read and passed: To confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of 27 September 2023.
That the proceedings of the City Council meeting of 27 September 2023 be adjourned.
