November 30 - 10:00
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.
Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.
Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Counc... (cont)
ACS2023-FCS-FSP-0016 - City Wide
The draft budget was tabled at the Council meeting of November 8, 2023. The Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee report on the draft budget will be considered by Council at its meeting of December 6, 2023.
Report Recommendation
That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee consider the relevant portions of the 2024 Operating and Capital Budgets including the tax and rate supported programs, and make recommendations to Council sitting in Committee of the ... (cont)
ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0053 - Osgoode (20), Rideau-Jock (21)
Report recommendation(s)
That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee approve the recommendations on the Rural Community-Building Grants Program applications as detailed in Document 1.
ACS2023-PRE-PSX-0003 - Orléans South-Navan (19)
Report recommendation(s)
That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 4348 & 4560 Dunning Road, as shown in Document 1, to prohibit residential development on the retained lands, and to permit a reduced lot width on the severed lands, as detailed in Document 2.
That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be inc... (cont)
ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0041 - City Wide
Report recommendation(s)
That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommends:
That Council approve the proposed amendments to the Site Alteration By law 2018-164, as described in this report and attached as Document 1.
That the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development and the City Solicitor be delegated the authority to finalize the amendments and bring forward the amending by-law to Council for enactment.
ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0051 - City Wide
Report recommendation(s)
That the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council:
Grant four (4) Municipal Support Resolution requests for proposed Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) projects within the Rural Area, as documented in this report, which shall not preclude the requirement to comply with any and all, current or future municipal regulations or applicable approvals and permit processes which may apply;
Direct staff to include renewabl... (cont)
Next Meeting
To be determined.