April 02 - 13:00
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): Paul Guevremont and Hanieh Khamseh-ZadehAgent: J. Paoloni
To permit an increased deck projection into the rear yard, building height and reduced accessory structure setback for the construction of a detached dwelling with one additional dwelling unit and accessory structure in rear yard.
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): Rehab AdasAgent: D. Jacobs
To permit reduced rear, front and interior side yards, and reduced lot area and soft landscaping and exemption from the heritage overlay for the conversion of the existing building to a three-storey mixed use development.
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): François and Melissa AbouchakraAgent: C. Sun
To permit reduced lot width, area, rear yard and side yard setbacks for the construction of an eight unit, low-rise apartment building.
D08-01-25/B-00035 - 00036
Consent Application
Applicant(s): LCA Construction Inc.Agent: M. Segreto
To subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land to establish separate ownership for each half of the semi-detached dwelling under construction.
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): Liam WiddowfieldAgent: P. Hume
To permit an increased number of 10 units for the construction of a low-rise apartment building.
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): Falsetto Homes Inc.Agent: J. Kelly
To permit reduced lot width, lot area, and interior side yard setbacks for the construction of an eight-unit low-rise apartment building.
Consent Application
Applicant(s): 1270261 Ontario Inc.Agent: P. Hume
To convey a portion of land to the abutting property to the North, known municipally as 20 Champlain
8.1 D08-01-24/B-00278 - 00279
8.2 D08-02-24/A-00323
Consent & Minor Variance Applications
Applicant(s): 8887322 Canada IncAgent: M. Ouseley
To subdivide the existing 24-storey building into two parcels for separate ownerships of the hotel and residential use portions, with reciprocal easements, and to permit a reduced drive aisle.
1.1 D08-01-24/B-00275
1.2 D08-02-24/A-00318 - 00319
Consent & Minor Variance Applications
Adjourned from March 19, 2025
Applicant(s): Haniyeh Etesam and Ali Tohidi
To sever the property into two lots for a proposed semi-detached dwelling with front-facing garages and with reduced rear yards, reduced setbacks for the garages, and a reduced lot width and area for one lot.