November 21 - 09:30

Environment and Climate Change Committee

Notices and meeting information for meeting participants and the public
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request. Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Counc... (cont)
Declarations of Interest
Confirmation of Minutes
ECCC Minutes 7 - Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Ceremonial Presentation
Rain-Ready Program 2023
Council Motion - Banning of Organic Waste from Landfills
Committee will be requested to consider the following Motion, referred from the City Council meeting of June 14th, 2023. Council Motion No. 2023-16-09 WHEREAS the provincial government has previously indicated their intent to ban organic waste from landfills across Ontario by 2030, WHEREAS diverting as much waste as possible that can be recycled or converted in to compost must be maximized in Ottawa and across Ontario, WHEREAS the City staff who participate on the Regional Public Works Commission... (cont)
Finance and Corporate Services Department
2024 Draft Operating and Capital Budget - Environment and Climate Change Committee
File No. ACS2023-FCS-FSP-0016 – City-wide The draft budget was tabled at the Council meeting of November 8, 2023. The Environment and Climate Change Committee report on the draft budget will be considered by Council at its meeting of December 6, 2023. Report Recommendation That the Environment and Climate Change Committee consider the relevant portions of the 2024 Operating and Capital Budgets including the tax and rate supported programs, and make recommendations to Council sitting in Committ... (cont)
Public Works Department
Draft Solid Waste Master Plan (Phase 3)
File No. ACS2023-PWD-SWS-0005 – City-wide Report recommendation That the Environment and Climate Change Committee recommend that Council receive, for information, the Draft Solid Waste Master Plan in advance of staff commencing the third Solid Waste Master Plan engagement series with residents, stakeholders and members of Council.
Environmental Assessment Process for the Expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill
File No. ACS2023-PWD-SWS-0006 – City-wide Report Recommendation That the Environment and Climate Change Committee recommend that Council direct staff to begin the Individual Environmental Assessment process with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for the expansion of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill, within the existing landfill footprint, as described in this report.
Finance and Corporate Services Department
Water Rate Structure Review Framework and Update
File No. ACS2023-FCS-REV-0006 - City-wide Report recommendations That the Environment and Climate Change Committee recommend that Council: Approve the guiding principles and review framework for the water, wastewater and stormwater rate structure as described in this report. Direct staff to develop a stormwater rate structure for consideration, that considers impervious area as the basis for fee calculation as described in this report. Direct staff to begin consultation with public and stakeh... (cont)
Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department
Streamlining the Provisions for Distinctive Trees in the Tree Protection By-law
File No. ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0050 – City-wide Report Recommendation That the Environment and Climate Change Committee recommend that Council direct staff to amend the Tree Protection By-law, 2020-340 to reduce the size of a distinctive tree in the suburban area of Ottawa from 50 centimetres to 30 centimeters in diameter measured at breast height, effective February 1, 2024. 
Office of the City Clerk
Status Update – Environment and Climate Change Committee – Inquiries and Motions for the Period Ending 9 November 2023
File No: ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0150 - City-wide Report recommendation That the Environment and Climate Change Committee receive this report for information.
In Camera Items
Information Previously Distributed
Third Party Review of data used to inform the draft Solid Waste Master Plan
File No. ACS2023-PWD-SWS-0006 - City-wide
Report on the Use of DA During 2022 by the Infrastructure and Water Services Dept., as Set Out in Schedule “H” of By-Law 2023-67
File No. ACS2023-IWS-BTSS-0001 - City-wide
Motions of Which Notice has been Previously Given
Motion – Councillor T. Tierney - Enbridge - St. Laurent Boulevard Maintenance
File No. ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0149 - City-wide WHEREAS, 21 km of Enbridge pipeline is an aging infrastructure and requires maintenance; and WHEREAS, the St. Laurent Pipeline is a critical part of Enbridge Gas’ natural gas distribution system, and directly and indirectly supplies approximately 165,000 customers in the Ottawa and Gatineau regions, including several of those customers providing critical services, like hospitals, federal facilities, social and low-income housing which count on a reliab... (cont)
Notices of Motions (For Consideration at Subsequent Meeting)
Other Business
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 20 February 2024
