February 19 - 13:00
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
D08-02-25/A-00003 [ Granted ]
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): Ann and Colin Smith
To construct an addition at the front of the dwelling with a reduced front yard setback.
2.1 D08-01-24/B-00274
2.2 D08-02-24/A-00317
Consent & Minor Variance Applications
Applicant(s): MACG CORPAgent: T. Nahal
To convey land to 441 Echo Drive and to permit an increased building height and reduced rear yard for a proposed three-storey, eight-unit, low-rise apartment building on the retained land.
D08-01-24/B-00223 [ Granted ]
Consent Application
Applicant(s): 68 Sweetland Avenue Holding Inc.Agent: T. Freeman
To establish easements for access and maintenance in favor of the abutting properties to the northwest known municipally as 146 to 170 Osgoode
D08-01-24/B-00220 - 00222 [ Granted ]
Consent Applications
Applicant(s): 146 Osgoode Street Holdings Inc.Agent: T. Freeman
To subdivide the lot into two parcels of land, establish easements, and convey a portion of the property to the abutting property to the east, known municipally as 68 Sweetland Avenue.
D08-01-24/B-00250 [ Granted ]
Consent Application
Applicant(s): 80 Nelson Holding IncAgent: G. Henderson
To establish an easement for access to egresses, shared bicycle parking, bicycle repair station, and communal space.
D08-01-24/B-00251- 00252 [ Granted ]
Consent Applications
Applicant(s): 253 York Holdings Inc.Agent: G. Henderson
To convey a portion of the property to the abutting property to the north, known municipally as 78 and 80 Nelson Street, and establish an easement.
7.1 D08-01-25/B-00001 - 00002 [ Refused ]
7.2 D08-02-25/A-00005 - 00007 [ Refused ]
Consent & Minor Variance Applications
Applicant(s): 1001091948 Ontario Inc.Agent: C. Campanale
To subdivide the property into three parcels of land with reduced lot widths, lot areas, rear yard setbacks, rear yard areas, and driveways for the construction of three townhomes.
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): Rehab AldasAgent: D. Jacobs
To permit reduced rear, front and interior side yards, and reduced lot area and soft landscaping for the conversion of the existing building to a three-storey mixed use development.
Adjourned to March 19, 2025
Adjourned sine die