September 21 - 10:00
City Council
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.
Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.
Councillor S. Moffatt advised he would be absent from the City Council meeting of 21 September 2022.
Moved by Councillor C. Curry
Seconded byCouncillor K. Egli
ACS2022-PIE-CRO-0009 Citywide
That Council:
Receive the Audited financial statements of the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation for the year 2021 in the Annual Report attached as Document 1; and
Appoint Ernst & Young LLP as the auditor of the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation for the year 2022.
File No. ACS2022-PIE-PS-0077 - Kanata North (Ward 4)
Committee recommendation, as amended
That Council refuse the Zoning By-law Amendment for 100 Steacie Drive.
ACS2022-PIE-BCS-0003 - West Carleton-March (5)
Committee Recommendation, as amended
That Council accept the development charge complaint in respect of 3420 Baskins Beach Road.
ACS2022-OCC-ARA-0009 - Cumberland (19)
Report recommendation
That Council direct Building Code Services to end the requirement to collect the Vars Water Fee when issuing permits in the affected area.
ACS2022 OAG BVG 0008 - City Wide
Committee Recommendation
That Council consider and approve the recommendations.
File No. ACS2022-ICS-LEG-0005 - Kitchissippi (15)
Committee recommendation, as amended
That Council instruct Legal Services to oppose the approval of the zoning and official plan amendments sought in the appeal in respect of 1186, 1188 and 1194 Wellington West.
File No. ACS2022-PIE-PS-0100 - Beacon Hill-Cyrville (Ward 11)
Committee recommendation
That Council refuse an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1649 Montreal Road and 741 Blair Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit a 26-storey mixed-use building, as detailed in Documents 2 and 3.
File No. ACS2022-PIE-PS-0109 - Alta Vista (Ward 18)
Committee recommendation
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2254, 2262, 2270 Braeside Avenue, and 2345 Alta Vista Drive, as shown in Document 1, to permit the construction of a low-rise apartment building, as detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2022-PIE-EDP-0024 - Orléans (Ward 1), Innes (Ward 2)
Committee meeting information
Delegations: The Committee heard from five delegations on this item.Debate: The Committee spent approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes on this item.Vote: The Committee CARRIED as amended by 4 motions.Position of Ward Councillor(s): Supportive.
Committee recommendations, as amended
That Council:
Authorize the adoption of an amendment to the new Official Plan, as detailed in Document 1 (as amended), in... (cont)
ACS2022-PIE-PS-0114 - Cumberland (19)
Committee Recommendation
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for Part of 3135 and 3191 Sarsfield Road, as shown in Document 1, to prohibit residential development on the retained agricultural lands, as detailed in Document 2.
ACS2022-PIE-PS-0116 - Cumberland (19)
Committee Recommendation
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 6086 and 6060 Frontier Road to prohibit residential development on the retained farmland and permit a decreased lot width on the severed surplus farmhouse, as detailed in Document 2.
ACS2022-PIE-PS-0113 - Cumberland (19)
Committee Recommendation
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for Part of 4900 Frank Kenny Road, as shown in Document 1, to prohibit residential development on the retained agricultural lands, as detailed in Document 2.
ACS2022-PIE-PS-0115 - Osgoode (20)
Committee Recommendation
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for Part of 3896 8th Line Road and 7968 Marvelville Road, as shown in Document 1, to prohibit residential development on the retained agricultural lands, and permit an increase in maximum accessory building and an equestrian establishment as an accessory use, as detailed in Document 2.
ACS2022-IWS-WS-0007 - Osgoode (20)
Committee Recommendation
That Council appoint McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers Ltd. as the Engineer of record to prepare a report that addresses the subsequent disconnection to the Osgoode Gardens Cedar Acres Municipal Drain, for Council’s consideration prior to Council approving or disapproving the disconnection, under Subsection 65(4) of the Drainage Act.
File No. ACS2022-PIE-PS-0118 - Rideau-Vanier (Ward 12)
Committee recommendation
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 70 and 74 Nicholas Street, as shown in Document 1, to create a new exception and to remove the subject property from the Heritage Overlay, to permit the construction of a 21-storey, mixed-use building incorporating the City Registry Office, a designated heritage building, as detailed in Document 2 as amended.
File No. ACS2022-PIE-RHU-0029 - Rideau-Vanier (Ward 12)
Committee recommendations
That Council:
Approve the application to alter the City Registry Office, 70 Nicholas Street, according to the drawings prepared by Zeidler Architecture, dated April 29, 2022 and attached as Document 6, conditional upon:
The applicant identifying opportunities to enhance the proposed landscaping and public realm in consultation with Heritage Planning, Development Review, and Urban Design staff prior to Site Pl... (cont)
File No. ACS2022-FSD-FSP-0014 - City-wide
Committee recommendation
That Council receive this report for information.
File No. ACS2022-OCC-PLC-0009 - Innes (Ward 2)
Committee recommendations
That Council approve that staff be directed:
to investigate amending the Zoning By-law in the next Omnibus Amendment so that stepbacks within the Innes Road Zoning Review Area (Document 1) are applied to both the rear and side yards where development abuts low-rise residential zones (properties subject to an active planning application will be exempt from these changes);
to re-examine the appropriateness of the AM11 Sub... (cont)
ACS2022-OCC-OCC-0015 - Citywide
Report recommendation
That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of August 31, 2022, that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as applicable, as described in this report and attached as Documents 1-8.
Moved by Councillor C. Curry
Seconded byCouncillor K. Egli
Moved by Councillor J. Leiper
Seconded byCouncillor C. McKenney
WHEREAS The United Nations Sustainability Goal #2 calls on all member nations to end hunger, achieve food security, and improved nutrition for all people.
WHEREAS The results of Parkdale Food Center’s “Knowing Our Neighbours” report found that 92% of respondents had worried that food would run out before getting money to buy more and 75% had eaten less than they felt they should in in the past year.
WHEREAS In the past year 62% p... (cont)
Moved by Councillor R. Brockington
Seconded byCouncillor T. Tierney
WHEREAS, residents of Trent Street have requested that parking on the north side of the street be removed; and
WHEREAS, the lack of sidewalks, high snowbanks in the winter, abutting school (Turnbull) and Trent being a main street leading to Fisher Avenue shuttles a fair number of pedestrians during the day, placing them on the road; and
WHEREAS, a bulletin was circulated by the local, Ward Councillor to every household in Jun... (cont)
Moved by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded byCouncillor T. Tierney
The Fleury/Tierney Motion of which notice was previously given at the August 31, 2022 Council Meeting was replaced with the following revised motion pursuant to Subsection 59(5) of the Procedure By-law:
WHEREAS Members of Council may bring a report or motion to Transportation Committee and Council to seek approval for the installation of traffic measures that do not meet the above-noted warrant criteria for staff approval; and
WH... (cont)
Moved by Councillor S. Menard
Seconded byCouncillor R. King
WHEREAS beginning in 2023/2024 the City will undertake an integrated road reconstruction project in the Old Ottawa South neighborhood of Ward 17, including the reconstruction of Grove Avenue and Grosvenor; and
WHEREAS the project limits for the Grove Avenue and Grosvenor Avenue Integrated Road, Sewer and Water project includes reinstating some private approaches and private encroachments on Grove Avenue (Glen Avenue to Bank Street) ... (cont)
Moved by Councillor C. Curry
Seconded byCouncillor K. Egli
That the by-laws listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three Readings, be read and passed.
a) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2001-17 to appoint certain Inspectors, Property Standards Officers and Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in the Building Code Services Branch of the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department.b) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2... (cont)
Moved by Councillor C. Curry
Seconded byCouncillor K. Egli
That the following by-law be read and passed:
To confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of 21 September 2022.
Moved by Councillor C. Curry
Seconded byCouncillor K. Egli
That the proceedings of the City Council meeting of 21 September 2022 be adjourned.