January 15 - 13:00
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
166 Faraday (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)D08-02-24/A-00290
One of the applicants is known to me in a personal capacity.
Adjourned to March 19, 2025
Adjourned to February 5, 2025
D08-02-24/A-00290 [ Granted ]
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): Photis Loizides and Dana KaminskiAgent: S. Soor
To permit a front facing attached garage for the construction of a two-storey detached dwelling.
D08-02-24/A-00288 [ Granted ]
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): 703 Churchill Avenue Inc.Agent: T. Beed
To construct a three storey, 10 unit, low-rise apartment building with reduced rear yard setback and area.
3.1 D08-01-24/B-00227 [ Granted ]
3.2 D08-02-24/A-00277 [ Granted ]
Consent & Minor Variance Applications
Applicant(s): Toloui GroupAgent: E. Saunders
To subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land with a reduced lot area and interior side yard setback for the existing detached dwelling.
Consent Application
Applicant(s): Brofort Developments Inc.Agent: P. Klugman
To subdivide the property into two parcels to create two lots for future residential development.
D08-02-24/A-00301 [ Granted ]
Permission Application
Applicant(s): 2138912 Ontario Inc.Agent: C. Richardson
To permit an addition to the front of the existing legal non-conforming dwelling.
6.1 D08-01-24/B-00248 - 00249 [ Granted ]
6.2 D08-02-24/A-00297 [ Granted ]
Consent & Minor Variance Applications
Applicant(s): Sunter Group Inc.Agent: C. Jalkotzy
To subdivide the property into two separate parcels to create separate ownership for each half of a proposed long semi-detached dwelling, with reduced lot area.
D08-02-24/A-00306 [ Granted ]
Minor Variance Application
Applicant(s): Michelle MorriseyAgent: N. Semanyk
To permit reduced rear and side yard setbacks for the construction of a one-storey addition to the existing detached dwelling.
8.1 D08-01-24/B-00259 - 00260 [ Granted ]
8.2 D08-02-24/A-00304 - 00305 [ Granted ]
Consent & Minor Variance Applications
Applicant(s): Anne and Wolfgang IllingAgent: T. Freeman
To subdivide the property into two parcels for the construction of a detached dwelling with reduced lot width, lot area and interior side yard setback; increased width of shared driveway; and permitted eave projection from the interior side lot line. The existing dwelling will remain.
D08-01-23/B-00169 - 00170
Change of Condition
Adjourned from December 11, 2024
Applicant(s): Hassani Raja Mohammad Reza and Siadatmousavi HalehAgent: M. Ebrahimipour