December 11 - 10:00
City Council
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.
Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.
Councillor G. Darouze
Petition received containing the signatures of 61 people requesting that Ottawa City Council reject the proposal to build a 5-unit apartment complex at 121 Brae Crescent. (Planning and Housing Committee Report 39, Agenda item 30.2).
No regrets were filed.
Moved by A. Hubley
Seconded byR. King
Moved by A. Hubley
Seconded byR. King
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FSP-0017 - Citywide
Report recommendation(s)
That City Council:
Receive and table the Draft 2025 Operating and Capital Budgets at its meeting November 13, 2024, for subsequent consideration by Council sitting in Committee of the Whole to be held December 11, 2024; and,
Refer the relevant portions of the Draft 2025 Operating and Capital Budgets to each Standing Committee of Council and the Transit Commission for 2 their consideration and recommendation to Council sitting i... (cont)
Board recommendation(s)
That City Council approve the Ottawa Police Service 2025 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets.
Board Recommendation(s)
That City Council approve the Ottawa Public Library Board 2025 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets.
Board recommendation(s)
That City Council approve the Ottawa Board of Health 2025 Draft Operating Budget.
Committee recommendation(s)
That City Council approve the Committee of Adjustment 2025 Draft Operating Budget.
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FSP-0017 - Citywide
Committee recommendation(s) as amended
That Council, sitting as Committee of the Whole, approve the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee 2025 Draft Operating and Capital Budget as follows:
Planning, Development and Building Services, Development Review Rural and Rural Affairs Operating Budget as follows:
User Fees (page 3);
Operating Resource Requirement (page 2)
The Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Capital Program (page 4) [individual p... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FSP-0017 - Citywide
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council, sitting as Committee of the Whole, approve the Audit Committee 2025 Draft Budget as follows:
Operating Resource Requirement – Office of the Auditor General (p. 2);
Operating Resource Requirement – External and Special Audits (p. 4).
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FSP-0017 – Citywide
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council, sitting as Committee of the Whole on December 11, 2024, approve the Community Services Committee portion of the 2025 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets, as follows:
Community and Social Services Operating Budget, as follows:
General Manager’s Office and Business Support Services Operating Resource Requirement (page 2)
Community Safety, Well-being, Policy and Analytics:
“Material & Services” line item of... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FSP-0017 - Citywide
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council, sitting as Committee of the Whole, approve the Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee 2025 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets as follows:
Emergency and Protective Services Department, General Manager’s Office and Business Support Services - Operating Resource Requirement (page 2);
Public Safety Service, as follows:
User Fees (page 5);
Operating Resource Requirement (page 4);
Ottawa Fire ... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FSP-0017 - City-Wide
Committee recommendation(s) as amended
That Council, sitting as Committee of the Whole:
Approve the Environment and Climate Change Committee 2025 Tax-supported Draft Operating and Capital Budget as follows:
Infrastructure and Water Services Department operating budget, as follows:
General Manager’s Office and Business Technical Support Services Operating Resource Requirement (page 2).
Infrastructure Services:
User Fees (page 5);
Operating Resour... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FSP-0017 - Citywide
Committee recommendation(s) as amended
That Council, sitting as Committee of the Whole, approve the Finance and Corporate Services Committee Draft 2025 Operating and Capital Budget, as follows:
Elected Officials - Operating Resource Requirement (page 2).
Office of the City Clerk Budget, as follows;
User fees (pages 6-7);
Operating Resource Requirement (page 5);
Legal Services Operating Resource Requirement (page 9)
City Manager’s Office Operating R... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FSP-0017 - Citywide
Committee recommendation(s) as amended
That Council, sitting as Committee of the Whole, approve the Planning and Housing Committee 2024 Draft Operating and Capital Budget as follows:
The Planning, Development and Building Services Department Operating Budget, as follows:
General Manager’s Office, and Business and Technical Support Services Operating Resource Requirement (page 2)
Right of Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services:
User Fees (pages 6-1... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FSP-0017 – Citywide
Commission recommendations as amended
That Council, sitting as Committee of the Whole, approve the Transit Commission 2025 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets as follows:
Transit Services as follows:
User fees (pages 8-9) as amended to:
Maintain the Free Transit for Seniors program on conventional buses and trains on Wednesdays to enhance affordability and promote transit usage among seniors; and
Adjust the senior fare discount to 42% off t... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FSP-0017 – Citywide
Committee Recommendation(s) as amended
That Council, sitting as Committee of the Whole on December 11, 2024, approve the Transportation Committee 2025 Draft Operating and Capital Budget, as follows:
The Public Works Department Budget, as follows:
General Manager’s Office and Business Technical Support Services - Operating Resource Requirement (page 2);
Roads Services, as follows:
User Fees (page 5);
Operating Resource Requirement (page 4);
Park... (cont)
Moved by A. Hubley
Seconded byR. King
File No. ACS2024-OCC-CCS-0113 - Citywide
Report recommendation(s)
That Council receive this report for information.
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FIN-0012 – Citywide
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council receive this report for information.
File No. ACS2024-OAG-BVG-0012 – City-wide
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve the Office of the Auditor General’s Audit Charter.
File No. ACS2024-OAG-BVG-0013 - City-wide
To access "Document 2 – OAG: Addendum 1 – EY Report", please see at the following link:
Committee recommendation(s) as amended
That Council:
Consider and approve the recommendations;
Direct staff to provide an update on the status of recommendations identified in the OAG Audit on Enterprise Risk Management;
That this update include a detailed review of each audit rec... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-CSS-GEN-013 - Citywide
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council:
Receive the annual update on the Corporate Diversity and Inclusion Plan, Women and Gender Equity Strategy and Anti-Racism Strategy, including evaluations and outcomes; and
Direct staff to develop an overarching Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Framework to streamline equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging work at the City in collaboration with the community.
File No. ACS2024-SI-HIS-0015 - Citywide
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council:
Approve the application submitted by Claridge Homes (245 Rideau Phase 2) LP, for the property at 245-265 Rideau Street, for the Tax Increment Equivalent Grant (TIEG) under the Affordable Housing Community Improvement Plan (CIP), for a total grant of approximately $9,360,000, in the form of annual grants between $6,000 and $8,000 per affordable unit per year, or 50% of the incremental increase in the municipal po... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-SI-HSI-0028 - West Carleton-March (5)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council:
Approve the fee simple acquisition of a 223-acre parcel of land, including structures, legally described as Pt Lt B, C, D Con Gore on Chaudiere Lake Fitzroy as in N773438 except Pt 1 4R23277; West Carleton, (PIN 04559-1843) and shown on Document 1 and 2 attached hereto, from Marion Elizabeth Badham for the total consideration of $1,950,000 plus applicable taxes and closing costs.
Delegate authorit... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-SI-HSI-0026 - Somerset (14)
Committee Recommendation(s) as amended
That Council:
Approve in principle the concept plan for 930 and 1010 Somerset Street as detailed in this report and shown in Document 1 and direct City staff to pursue Zoning and Official Plan Amendments to facilitate the proposed development;
that any land occupied by an aboveground District Energy System aboveground installation not be considered parkland for the purposes of the net parkland gain; and
that... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PS-0096 – Orléans South-Navan (19)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2800 Brian Coburn Boulevard, as shown in Document 1, to permit for 431 low-rise residential dwelling units, a commercial block, and a park, all associated with the Richcraft Trailsedge Phase 4 subdivision, as detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PS-0013 – Stittsville (6)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 121 Brae Crescent, as shown in Document 1, to permit a five-unit, three-storey apartment building, as detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2024-FCS-FSP-0016 – Citywide
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council receive this report for information.
File No. ACS2024-OCC-CCS-0114 - Citywide
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council direct staff to resume work on the rental replacement bylaw joint-departmental work plan item as soon as possible.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PS-0004 – Somerset (14)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council consider the matter.
Rising from the Built Heritage Committee meeting of December 10, 2024.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-RHU-0081 - Somerset (Ward 14)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council consider the matter.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-RHU-0076 – Rideau-Rockcliffe (Ward 13)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council:
Approve the application for demolition and new construction at 120 Juliana Road according to plans by Hobin Architecture dated August 2024 and received on August 29th, 2024 and September 24th, 2024 conditional upon:
The applicant providing samples of all final exterior and retaining wall materials for approval by Heritage Staff prior to the issuance of the building permit.
The applicant ... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-PDB-RHU-0088 - Rideau-Vanier (Ward 12)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council:
Approve the application to demolish the building at 79 Guigues Avenue, conditional upon:
That until the time of the construction of a replacement building, the registered Owner shall landscape the property to the satisfaction of the Program Manager of Heritage Planning, Planning, Development and Building Services Department. The registered Owner shall prohibit the use of the property for other... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-PDB-RHU-0090 - Rideau-Vanier (Ward 12)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council:
Not withdraw the Notice of Intention to Designate 159 Montréal Road and proceed with the designation process under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.
Suspend the notice required under Subsections 29(3) and 34(1) of the Procedure By-law to consider this report at its meeting on December 11, 2024, to decide this matter within the legislated timeline.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-RHU-0086 - Kitchissippi (Ward 15)
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council:
Not withdraw the Notice of Intention to Designate 50 Carruthers Avenue, and proceed with the designation process under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act using the amended Statement of Cultural Heritage Value available as Document 1.
Suspend the notice required under Subsections 29(3) and 34(1) of the Procedure By-law to consider this report at its meeting on December 11, 2024, to decide this ma... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-PWD-TRF-0005 - City-wide
Committee Recommendation(s)
That Council:
Receive the Road Safety Action Plan – 2024 Implementation Plan Status Update.
Approve the Road Safety Action Plan – 2025 Implementation Plan, as outlined in this report.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0044 - West Carleton-March (5)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 3179 (3135) Carry’s Side Road, as shown in Document 1, to prohibit residential development on the retained lands, as detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0046 - West Carleton-March (5)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2808 (2850) Donald B. Munro Drive, as shown in Document 1, to prohibit residential development on the retained lands and to permit a reduction in both the lot width and interior side yard setbacks on the severed lands, as detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0040 - Citywide
Committees recommendation(s)
That Council approve amendments to Zoning By-law No. 2008-250, as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2024-PWD-SWS-0007 – Citywide
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council receive this report for information.
File No. ACS2024-OCC-GEN-0016 - Citywide
Committee recommendation(s)
That City Council approve the ward boundary amendments set out in Documents 1, 2 and 3, and as described in this report, to take effect for the 2026 Municipal Elections.
File No. ACS2024-SI-HSI-0005 - Riverside-Sud-Findlay Creek (22)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council:
Approve the acquisition as described in the report for the purchase of the fee simple interest in lands having Property Identification Number (PIN) 04331-3874, PIN 04331-3883, PIN 04331-3886 (the “Riverside South Recreation Complex Lands”) shown as Parcel 1 on Document 1 attached from Riverside South Development Corp. for $12,784,000 plus applicable taxes and closing costs.
Approve $9,000... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-SI-HSI-0027 - River (16), Capital (17) Alta Vista (18)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council enact a by-law, in the form attached in Document 1, approving the making of an application pursuant to Section 4 of the Expropriations Act for approval to expropriate lands that are required for purposes of the Bank Street Renewal project, Phase 1.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0036 – Rideau-Rockliffe (13)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 304-308 Donald Street, as shown in Document 1, to rezone the subject site from Residential Fourth Density, Subzone UC (R4UC) to Residential Fourth Density, Subzone UC, Urban Exception ‘xxxx’ (R4UC[xxxx]) to permit a three storey, 31-unit low-rise apartment building, as detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0032 – Rideau-Vanier (12)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 214 Somerset Street East, as shown in Document 1, to rezone the subject property from Residential Fourth Density, Subzone UC, Urban Exception 2488, Residential Neighbourhood Commercial Suffix (R4UC[2488]-c) and Residential Fourth Density, Subzone UC, Urban Exception 480, Residential Neighbourhood Commercial Suffix (R4UC[480]-c) to Residential Fourth Den... (cont)
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PS-0111 – Bay (7)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2829 Dumaurier Avenue, as shown in Document 1, to permit a 40-storey mixed-use tower as detailed in Documents 2 and 3.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0030 – Gloucester-Southgate (10)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2928 Bank Street, as shown in Document 1, to permit a four-storey low-rise apartment, as detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0037 – Barrhaven West (3)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for part of 3285 Borrisokane Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit detached and townhouse dwellings within a residential subdivision, as detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PS-0106 – Stittsville (6)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1919 Maple Grove Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit a subdivision with low-rise residential uses and a public park, as detailed in Document 2.
File No. ACS2024-FCS-PRO-0004 – Citywide
Commission recommendation
That Council receive this report for information.
File No. ACS2024-OCC-CCS-0098 - Orléans-East-Cumberland (Ward 1)
Committee recommendation(s)
That Council approve the following:
Designating a Community Safety Zone on Prestwick Drive between Des Epinettes Avenue and Innes Road; and
Installing corresponding signage as soon as practicable.
To be considered in camera pursuant to Procedure By-law (By-law No. 2022-410), Subsections 13 (1)(e), litigation or potential litigation affecting the City, and 13(1)(f), the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.
The content of the in camera update contains information pertaining to the legal aspects of the subject matter, the material falls within the exception contemplated by Subsection 13(1)(e) and (f) of City Co... (cont)
That Council receive the list of items approved by its Committees under Delegated Authority, attached as Document 1.
Moved by A. Hubley
Seconded byR. King
Moved by G. Gower
Seconded byM. Sutcliffe
WHEREAS according to the 2023 State of Ottawa's Health Report from Ottawa Public Health, it is estimated that at least 14% of Ottawa residents – or over 150,000 individuals – lack access to primary care; and
WHEREAS this severe access gap disproportionately affects new Canadians, Indigenous communities, and other vulnerable groups; and
WHEREAS a local group of doctors has submitted an application to the Ministry of Health for provincial operating fund... (cont)
Moved by L. Dudas
Seconded byM. Luloff
WHEREAS the Heart of Orléans BIA Board requested an expansion to the area and pursuant to section 210 of the Municipal Act, 2001, before passing a by-law to expand the boundary of a BIA, the municipality sends notice to the board of management, current members and members in the proposed new area;
AND WHEREAS on September 13, 2023, Council approved that the Notice of Intention to expand the boundaries of the Heart of Orléans and the notification process ... (cont)
Moved by A. Hubley
Seconded byR. King
That the by-laws listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three Readings, be read and passed.
a. A By-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2024-453, a by-law of the City of Ottawa to provide for solid waste management and to repeal by-law 2012-370.b. A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-180 respecting the appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with private property parking enforceme... (cont)
Moved by A. Hubley
Seconded byR. King
That the following by-law be read and passed:
To confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of 11 December 2024.
Moved by A. Hubley
Seconded byR. King
That the proceedings of the City Council meeting of 11 December 2024 be adjourned.