March 05 - 09:00
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 3
Consent Application
(Cameron Howie and Cindy Howie)
To convey a portion of land to the abutting landowners to the west, known as 3266 Peskett Road.
(Agent: R. Moore)
Consent Application
(Josie Amyot and Alanna Boivin)
To subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land. The single detached dwelling will remain on one parcel.
(Agent: P. Warren)
Consent Application
(Jayne Forward)
To subdivide the property into two parcels of land to create a new lot for a surplus farm dwelling.
(Agent: J. Jackson)
Minor Variance Application
(Tyler Baigent)
To permit reduced setbacks from a watercourse and an increased floor area for a proposed addition to the existing dwelling, and an increased deck projection.
(Agent: J. D'Aoust)
Consent Application
(OttawaWest Development Inc.)
To subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land for the construction of two new dwellings, with reduced setbacks from Mineral Extraction zones (ME2 and ME3).
(Agent: B. Clare)
D08-01-24/B 00017 - 00019
Consent Applications
(Elias Ayoub)
To subdivide the property into three separate parcels of land for the construction of three detached dwellings. The existing dwelling will be demolished.
(Agent: M. Blasioli)
Consent Application
(Iris Foster)
To convey a portion of the property to the abutting property to the west, known municipally as 6024 Dobson Lane.
(Agent: S. Pentz)
Minor Variance Application
Adjourned from February 6, 2024
(Richard Carroll and Karen Bruce)
To permit a separate septic and well for the coach house and a reduced front yard setback.
(Agent: R. Carroll)