November 19 - 13:00

Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2

28 Gervin (Ward 9 - Knoxdale-Merivale)
Adjourned Sine Die
1618 Botsford (Ward 18 - Alta Vista)
Adjourned Sine Die
1880 Kilborn (Ward 18 - Alta Vista)
D08-02-24/A-00267   [ Granted ] Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): James and Ellen Brohman To permit zero parking spaces for a detached dwelling, for the conversion of the existing garage into a two-storey additional dwelling unit.
1618 Botsford (Ward 18 - Alta Vista)
D08-02-24/A-00273 Minor Variance & Permission Applications Applicant(s): Jean Michel SauvéAgent: A. Soor To permit reduced setbacks from side and rear lot lines separation distances between existing accessory structures, and to consider a storage locker to be a permitted projection. 
28 Gervin (Ward 9 - Knoxdale-Merivale)
D08-02-24/A-00274 Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): Robert and Madison Cavanagh To permit the entrance to a garage to be closer to the front line than the principal entrance to the dwelling for the construction of a new attached garage and second-storey addition.
1679 Toulouse (Ward 2 - Orléans West-Innes)
D08-02-24/A-00263  [ Granted ] Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): Marco and Louise TuringiaAgent: S. Khapare To permit a reduced rear yard setback for the construction of a sunroom addition.  
842, 844 Dundee (Ward 7 - Bay)
D08-01-24/B-00218  [ Granted ] Consent Application Applicant(s): 14150830 Canada Inc.Agent: M. Ebrahimipour To subdivide the property into two separate parcels to create separate ownership for each half of the existing semi-detached dwelling.
28 Kilmory (Ward 9 - Knoxdale-Merivale)
D08-02-24/A-00268  [ Granted ] Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): Kyla Reid and Jason Sampara To permit a reduced front yard setback and increased projection of a carport entrance for the construction of a new attached garage and carport on the southeast side of the existing dwelling.  
22 Forestglade (Ward 10 - Gloucester-Southgate)
D08-02-24/A-00264  [ Granted ] Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): Sherry McBrideAgent: S. Khapare To permit a reduced rear yard setback for the construction of a one-storey sunroom addition.  
2725 Rowatt (Ward 7 - Bay)
4.1  D08-01-24/B-00171 - 00172  [ Granted ] 4.2  D08-02-24/A-00232 - 00233  [ Granted ] Consent & Minor Variance Applications Adjourned from October 15, 2024 Applicant(s): Phillippe Damecour and Sabina StabrylaAgent: J. Murray To subdivide the property into two parcels of land for the construction of two, two storey dwellings with rear yard garages and second storey coach houses, with reduced lot width, area interior side yard setback and increased height for two coach houses.
2475 Regina (Ward 7 - Bay)
D08-01-24/B-00199  [ Granted ] Consent Application Adjourned from November 5, 2024 Applicant(s): Parkway House Developments Inc.Agent: P. Osterhout To subdivide the property into two separate parcels for future phased development and to establish an easement for servicing and access.
