January 17 - 13:00
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1
Minor Variance Application
(Cava Holdings)
To permit a reduced lot area and a reduced lot width for the construction of a low-rise apartment building.
(Agent: C. McCquaig)
Minor Variance Application
(2439702 Ontario Inc.)
To permit reduced front, rear and interior side yard setbacks, increased building height and an increased number of bedrooms per dwelling unit, for the conversion of the existing three-unit dwelling into a 6-unit, low-rise apartment building.
(Agent: C. Jalkotzy)
Consent Application
(Stephen Payam Fazli)
To subdivide the property into two separate parcels to create separate ownership for each half of the semi-detached dwelling currently under construction.
(Agent: P. Robinson)
Permission Application
Adjourned from December 13, 2023
(927 Wellington Street Inc.)
To permit a heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental, and servicing use.
(Agent: A.Thompson)
1400, 1410, 1420, 1430 & 1440 Blair Towers (Ward 11 - Beacon Hill-Cyrville)D08-01-23/B-00308 - 00309
My husband's employer leases office space at that address and he works at the building.