October 05 - 09:00

Police Services Board Policy and Governance Committee

Confirmation of Agenda
That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee confirm the agenda of the 5 October 2023 meeting.
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes #13 of 1 August 2023 
That the Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee confirm Minutes #13 of the 1 August 2023 meeting.
Declarations of Interest
Items of Business
Review of Board Policy GA-8 Legal Services
Executive Director’s report The Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee receive this item for discussion.
Referral: Review of the Ottawa Police Services Board Financial Accountability Procedures Manual
The Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee: direct that the results of the Executive Director’s review of the Board’s Financial Accountability Procedures Manual be tabled at the Finance and Audit Committee rather than the Policy and Governance Committee, given the Committee’s overall responsibility for fiscal policies, objective and priorities, before the end of Q4 2023; recommend that all future reviews of the manual be initiated by the Finance and Audit Committee and in... (cont)
Policy Discussion re: Dissemination of Information from Chair to Board
Executive Director’s report The Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy and Governance Committee receive this item for discussion.
Other Business
Next Meeting
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 - 2:00 PM
