May 01 - 06:00

Police Services Board Policy and Governance Committee

Confirmation of Agenda
That the Policy and Governance Committee confirm the agenda of the 01 May 2023 meeting.
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes #11of 19 December 2022 
That the Policy and Governance Committee confirm Minutes #11 of the 19 December 2022 meeting.
Declarations of Interest
Items of Business
Ottawa Police Service Review of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action
Inquiry I-21-20 & Motion M-20-05 Chief's report That the Policy and Governance Committee receive this item for information.
2023-2026 Discussion on Strategic Planning
Board Policy AI-001 Framework for Business Planning Presentation That the Policy and Governance Committee review and provide input into the draft process for the development of the Board’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan.
Review of the Ottawa Police Services Board Financial Accountability Procedures Manual
Presentation That the Policy and Governance Committee direct the Executive Director to undertake a full review of the Board’s Financial Accountability Procedure Manual in consultation with the Chief of Police and Chief Administrative Officer, and bring back any suggested amendments to the Committee before the end of Q4 2023.
Draft Ottawa Police Services Board Work Plan: 2023
Executive Director’s report That the Policy and Governance Committee review the draft 2023 Board Work Plan and forward the final draft to the Ottawa Police Services Board for approval.
Discussion Re: Pre-Scheduling Board Committee Meetings and Need for December Meeting
That the Policy and Governance Committee receive this item for discussion.
Other Business
Next Meeting
