March 18 - 13:00

Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2

1301 Thames (Ward 16 - River)
6.1  D08-01-25/B-00010 - 00011 6.2  D08-02-25/A-00014 - 00015 Consent & Minor Variance Applications Applicant(s): 1301 THAMES INC.Agent: C. Jalkotzy To subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land for the construction of two long semi-detached dwellings with additional dwelling units and increased building heights.  
613 Blanchard (Ward 16 - River)
D08-02-25/A-00026 Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): Raman KshnikatkinAgent: J. Paoloni To permit a reduced front yard setback and increased garage entrance projection for a proposed attached garage.
74 Boyce (Ward 7 - Bay)
D08-02-25/A-00030 Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): Abdulrahman AlhamaliAgent: I. A. Alhejani To permit an increased building height for the construction of a two-story detached dwelling containing one additional dwelling unit.
101 Kanata (Ward 4 - Kanata North)
D08-02-24/A-00211 Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): Innvest LPAgent: R. Chmiel To permit a reduced corner side yard setback for surface parking and reduced landscape buffer for the relocation of two parking spaces.  
1460 Baseline (Ward 8 - College)
D08-02-25/A-00020 - 00023 Minor Variance Applications Applicant(s): 10892858 Canada Inc.Agent: B. Li To permit reduced lot widths and areas, rear yard areas and setbacks, and interior yard setbacks for the construction of two semi-detached dwellings with additional dwelling units.
1332 Thames (Ward 16 - River)
D08-01-25/B-00007, 00021 Consent Applications Applicant(s): Aveera Property Ltd.Agent: T. Yakichuk To subdivide the property into two lots for the construction of a long semi-detached dwelling with additional dwelling units on each parcel (12 units in total).
1319 Johnston (Ward 10 - Gloucester-Southgate)
D08-02-25/A-00034 Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): 2079 Artistic Place Inc.Agent: T. Eisner To permit an increased gross floor area for Automobile Service Station uses (automotive glass repair and mechanic service businesses).
5395 Long Island (Ward 21- Rideau-Jock)
D08-02-24/A-00310 Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): Roger and Shannon Ermuth To permit a reduced setback to the highwater mark for the construction of an accessory structure.
2544 Gravelle (Ward 2 - Orléans West-Innes)
D08-01-25/B-00012 - 00013 Consent Applications Adjourned from March 4, 2025 Applicant(s): 1001043242 Ontario Inc.Agent: P. Hume To sever the property into two lots for the construction of two long semi-detached dwellings secondary dwelling units, for a total of 12 units.
1618 Botsford (Ward 18 - Alta Vista)
D08-02-24/A-00273 Minor Variance Application Adjourned from March 4, 2025 Applicant(s): Jean Michel SauvéAgent: A. Soor To permit an increased number of accessory structures, reduced setbacks from interior side and rear lot lines, and reduced separation distances between existing accessory structures.
