March 19 - 13:00

Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1

60 Hampton (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
1.1  D08-01-24/B-00275 1.2  D08-02-24/A-00318 - 00319 Consent & Minor Variance Applications Applicant(s): Haniyeh Etesam and Ali Tohidi To sever the property into two lots for a proposed semi-detached dwelling with front-facing garages and with reduced rear yards, reduced setbacks for the garages, and a reduced lot width and area for one lot.
884 Charleswood (Ward 13 - Rideau-Rockcliffe)
2.1  D08-01-25/B-00003 2.2  D08-02-25/A-00009, 00010, 00033 Consent, Minor Variance & Permission Applications Applicant(s): Yvon LafranceAgent: P. Robinson To subdivide the property into two parcels for the construction of a semi-detached dwelling with reduced lot area, lot width and increased building height. The existing, legally non-conforming, low-rise apartment building will remain on a reduced sized lot.
478 Lawson (Ward 13 - Rideau-Rockcliffe)
D08-02-24/A-000254 Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): Vivien RunnelsAgent: A. Cordina To permit a reduced total interior side yard setback, front yard setback, landscape strip, garage entrance setback, and increased driveway and walkway widths for the construction of a carport on the east side of the existing dwelling.
196 Clare (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
4.1  D08-01-25/B-00023 4.2  D08-02-25/A-00031 - 00032 Consent & Minor Variance Applications Applicant(s): Lin, Shuhua and Huang YonglongAgent: C. Sun To subdivide the property into two parcels for the construction of a semi-detached dwelling with a reduced corner side yard setback and increased building height. 
464 Churchill (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
D08-02-25/A-00012 Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): Brofort Developments Inc.Agent: P. Klugman To permit a reduced lot width for the construction of a low-rise apartment building. 
462 Churchill (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
D08-01-24/B-00236 Consent Application Adjourned from January 15, 2025 Applicant(s): Brofort Developments Inc.Agent: P. Klugman To subdivide the property into two parcels to create two lots for future residential development.  
166 Mcgillivray (Ward 17 - Capital)
7.1  D08-01-24/B-00274 7.2  D08-02-24/A-00317 Consent & Minor Variance Applications Adjourned from February 19, 2025 Applicant(s): MACG CORPAgent: T. Nahal To convey land to 441 Echo Drive and to permit an increased building height and reduced rear yard for a proposed three-storey, eight-unit, low-rise apartment building on the retained land.
249 Shakespeare (Ward 12 - Rideau-Vanier)
D08-02-25/A-00017 Minor Variance Application Adjourned from March 5, 2025 Applicant(s): Thusanth ThuraisingamAgent: N. Luettge To permit a reduced corner side yard setback for the construction of a three storey, eight-unit, low-rise apartment building.
