March 27 - 12:00

Ottawa Police Services Board

Notices and meeting information for participants and members of the public
This draft Minutes document contains a summary of the disposition of items and actions taken at the meeting. This document does not include all of the text that will be included in the final Minutes. Recorded votes and dissents contained in this draft Minutes document are draft until the Minutes of the meeting are confirmed by the Board. The final draft Minutes will be published with the agenda for the next regular Board meeting and, once confirmed, will replace this document.
Confirmation of Agenda
That the Ottawa Police Services Board confirm the amended agenda of the 27 March 2023 meeting.
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes 75#1 and #2 of 27 February 2023
That the Ottawa Police Services Board confirm Minutes 75 #1 and #2 of the 27 February 2023 meeting.
Committee Meetings: Reports from Committee Chairs & Minutes
Finance and Audit Committee - Draft Minutes #20 of 09 March 2023
That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this item for information.
Declarations of Interest
Public Delegations
The final public delegate list will be recorded as part of the final draft minutes for the March 27, 2023 meeting. 
Items of Business
Chair’s verbal report
Chair's report That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.
Chief’s verbal report
Chief's report That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.
Ontario Association of Police Services Boards’ Annual Conference: Attendance and Sponsorship
Executive Director's report That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve: The attendance of Vice Chair S. Fakirani and Member M. Carr at the Annual Conference of the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards, to be held in Niagara Falls from May 30-June 1. A $1,500 Silver Sponsorship of the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards’ 2023 Annual Conference.
Ottawa Police Service Request for Assistance Policing St. Patrick’s Day: Memorandums of Understanding with York and Peel Regional Police Service
This item is before the Board for ratification following pre-approval of the agreements on March 16, 2023, by electronic polling That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve the Memorandums of Understanding with the York and Peel Regional Police Services (on file with the Executive Director) regarding providing assistance to the Ottawa Police Service in policing St. Patrick’s Day.
2023 Internal Audit Work Plan
Chief’s report That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve the 2023 Internal Audit Work Plan as endorsed by the Finance and Audit Committee.
Service Agreement: Specialized Policing Training Facility
Chief’s report That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve a Service Agreement between the Ottawa Police Service and the Eastern Ontario Shooting Club. This sole source purchase proposal is based on a 5-year term in the amount of $405,000 total for the duration of the Agreement.
Appointment of Special Constable: RCMP
Chief’s report That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve the appointment of one RCMP employee listed in Document 1 as Special Constable pursuant to Section 53 of the Police Services Act, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the attached Approval of Appointment Form.
Appointment of Special Constable: OC Transpo
Chief’s report That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve the appointment of the OC Transpo employee listed in Document 1 as a Special Constable pursuant to Section 53 of the Police Services Act, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the attached Approval of Appointment form.
Appointment of Special Constable: Carleton University
Chief’s report That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve the appointment of Carleton University employee listed in Document 1 as a Special Constable pursuant to Section 53 of the Police Services Act, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the attached Approval of Appointment Form.
EDI Action Plan Update
Chief’s report That the Ottawa Police Services Board: 1. Receive this report for information. 2. Table the 2023-2025 EDI Strategy, attached in this report, for approval at the Board’s April 24 meeting.
Quality Assurance Annual Report 2022 (Compliance with Ministry Standards)
Chief’s report That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.
Financial Status Report - Fourth Quarter 2022
Chief’s report That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.
Outstanding Board Inquiries & Motions: March 2023
Executive Director's report That the Ottawa Police Services Board: 1)   Receive this report for information.     2)   Approve the withdrawal of Motion M-21-04, for the reasons outlined in this report. 3) Refer the outstanding motions that are the responsibility of the Policy and Governance Committee to that Committee to be reviewed during its upcoming discussions on the Board’s draft workplan for 2023.
Letters of Commendation
Chief’s report That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information. 
Other Business
In Camera Items
Please note that the in camera meeting was held prior to the public meeting and the following items were discussed: Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act Labour Relations Matter Labour Relations Matter Safe Workplace Office Update Labour Relations Matter Personnel Matter
Next Meeting
