May 17 - 13:00

Police Services Board Policy and Governance Committee

Confirmation of Agenda
That the Ottawa Police Service Board’s Policy and Governance Committee confirm the agenda of the 17 May 2024 meeting.
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes #17 of 13 March 2024
That the Ottawa Police Service Board’s Policy and Governance Committee confirm Minutes #17 of the 13 March 2024 meeting.
Declarations of Interest
Items of Business
Update: Review Of Board Policy CR-17 Major Events
Executive Director's report Presentation by the Ottawa People’s Commission Reports from the Ottawa People’s Commission – Part I & Part II That the Ottawa Police Service Board’s Policy and Governance Committee receive this item for information and discussion.
Update: Ottawa Police Service Board Strategic Plan 2024-2027
Presentation That the Ottawa Police Service Board’s Policy and Governance Committee receive this item for information.
Update: Review of Board Policy GA-8 Legal Services
Executive Director's report That the Ottawa Police Service Board’s Policy and Governance Committee: Receive this item for review and input. Forward the updated policy to the Board for approval and adoption at the May meeting.
Board Policies required under the Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA)
Executive Director's report That the Ottawa Police Service Board’s Policy and Governance Committee: Receive this item for review and input. Forward the draft policies to the Board for approval and adoption at the May meeting.
Other Business
Next Meeting
Monday, July 8, 2024 1pm
