February 05 - 13:00

Committee of Adjustment - Panel 1

60 Hampton (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
Adjourned sine die
328 MacKay (Ward 13 - Rideau-Rockcliffe)
D08-01-24/B-00255  [ Granted ] Consent Application Applicant(s): Julia CardosoAgent: P. Dagenais To subdivide the property to create separate parcels for each of the existing dwellings.
451 Roosevelt (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
2.1  D08-01-24/B-00141  [ Granted ] 2.2  D08-02-24/A-00205, 00255  [ Granted ] Consent & Minor Variance Applications Applicant(s): Eddy MaloufAgent: T. Freeman To subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land and to permit reduced front yard and corner side yard setbacks with a reduced corner sight triangle for the conversion of existing dwelling into a semi-detached dwelling with additional dwelling units. 
137 Marquette (Ward 12 - Rideau-Vanier)
D08-02-24/A-00311  [ Granted ] Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): 2872150 Ontario Inc.Agent: M. Segreto To permit a reduced rear yard setback and increased building height for the construction of a three-storey eight-unit low rise building.
251 Columbus (Ward 13 - Rideau-Rockcliffe)
4.1  D08-01-24/B-00261 - 00262  [ Granted ] 4.2  D08-02-24/A-00308 - 00309  [ Granted ] Consent & Minor Variance Applications Applicant(s): Tru-Vest Management Ltd.Agent: P. Hume To subdivide the property into two parcels of land for construction of two 8-unit, three-storey apartment buildings, with reduced rear yard setbacks, and rear yard parking.
236 Lebreton North (Ward 14 - Somerset)
D08-01-24/B-00239 - 00240  [ Granted ] Consent Applications Applicant(s): Luigi Zacconi To subdivide the property into three separate parcels for existing residential development.
346 Roosevelt (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
D08-02-24/A-00286  [ Granted ] Minor Variance Application Applicant(s): G & B InvestmentsAgent: D. Edwards To permit reduced frontage, interior side yard setbacks and lot area for the construction of a four-storey, six-unit, low-rise apartment building.
51, 53 Gordon (Ward 17 - Capital)
7.1  D08-01-24/B-00266 - 00267  [ Granted ] 7.2  D08-02-24/A-00312  [ Granted ] Consent & Minor Variance Applications Applicant(s): Marc and Paul Asselin To subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land to establish separate ownership for each of the existing dwellings, with one dwelling seeking reduced lot width, lot area and interior side yard setback. 
62 Columbus (Ward 13 - Rideau-Rockcliffe)
D08-01-24/B-00277  [ Granted ] Consent Application Applicant(s): Amir EsmailianAgent: R. Price To establish an easement/right-of-way for servicing in favour of 12 Sylvester Street.
60 Hampton (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)
9.1  D08-01-24/B-00275 9.2  D08-02-24/A-00318 - 00319 Consent & Minor Variance Applications Applicant(s): Haniyeh Etesam and Ali Tohidi To sever the property into two lots for a proposed semi-detached dwelling, with reduced rear yards and setbacks for garages, and a reduced lot width and area for one lot.
2476 Kaladar (Ward 17 - Capital)
D08-02-24/A-00327, D08-02-25/A-00002  [ Granted ] Minor Variance Applications Applicant(s): Kevin and Daniella DubichAgent: M. Joudeh To permit a reduced lot width and area for each half of a proposed semi-detached dwelling.
470 Mutual (Ward 13 - Rideau-Rockcliffe)
D08-01-23/B-00169 - 00170  [ Refused ] Change of Condition Adjourned from January 15, 2025 and December 11, 2024 Applicant(s): Hassani Raja Mohammad Reza and Siadatmousavi HalehAgent: M. Ebrahimipour
191 Granville (Ward 12 - Rideau-Vanier)
D08-01-24/B-00134 - 00135  [ Withdrawn ] Change of Condition Applicant(s): Eli Irani, Thamar Irani and Kevin IraniAgent: M. Ebrahimipour  
