February 09 - 08:00

Ottawa Police Services Board

Notices and meeting information for participants and members of the public
This meeting may be viewed online on the Ottawa City Council YouTube Channel or via Zoom  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82206410606 Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request. In accordance with its Procedure Bylaw, the Board will be meeting briefly in public in order to resolve in-camera. The Board will be moving back into a public session at 2:00pm to receive the audit reports pertaining to the Ottawa Police Service’s Response to the Convoy Protest from the City of Ot... (cont)
Declarations of Interest
Consideration of Motion to Move In Camera
That the Ottawa Police Services Board adjourn the public portion of its meeting to move In Camera to receive a briefing from the Chief of Police on potential demonstrations in the month of February in accordance with Section 35(4)(b) of the Police Services Act.
In Camera Items
Briefing On Potential Demonstration Activity In February
