June 11 - 09:30

Built Heritage Committee

Notices and meeting information for meeting participants and the public
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and hybrid participation details. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request. Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Counc... (cont)
Declarations of Interest
Confirmation of Minutes
BHC Minutes 14 – Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Planning, Development and Building Services Department
Consideration of Objections to the Notices of Intention to Designate 119 Bradford Street and 73 Rideau Street, under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
File No. ACS2024-PDB-RHU-0052 – Bay (Ward 7); Rideau-Vanier (Ward 12) The statutory 90-day timeline for consideration of this application under the Ontario Heritage Act will expire on August 17, 2024. Report recommendations That the Built Heritage Committee recommend that Council: Not withdraw the Notice of Intention to Designate 119 Bradford Street and proceed with the designation process under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. Not withdraw the Notice of Intention to Designate 73 Rideau ... (cont)
Designation of 94 Beechwood Avenue (also known as 98 Beechwood Avenue), 241 Marier Avenue and 275 St. Laurent Boulevard under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
File No. ACS2024-PDB-RHU-0045 - Rideau-Vanier (Ward 12); Rideau-Rockcliffe (Ward 13) Report recommendations That the Built Heritage Committee recommend that Council: Issue a Notice of Intention to Designate 94 Beechwood Avenue (also known as 98 Beechwood Avenue) under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act according to the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value attached as Document 5. Issue a Notice of Intention to Designate 241 Marier Avenue under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act according to ... (cont)
Designation of 149, 152, 156-158, 198, and 217 Rideau Street, under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
File No. ACS2024-PDB-RHU-0048 - Rideau-Vanier (Ward 12) Report recommendations That the Built Heritage Committee recommend that Council: Issue a Notice of Intention to Designate 149 Rideau Street under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act according to the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value attached as Document 4;  Issue a Notice of Intention to Designate 156 Rideau Street (including street addresses 152 and 156-158 Rideau Street) under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act according to the Sta... (cont)
Bill-23 Implementation: Heritage Conservation Districts
File No. ACS2024-PDB-RHU-0046 - City-wide Report recommendations That the Built Heritage Committee recommend that Council:  Direct staff to complete the following HCD Studies and Plans: Golden Triangle Dundonald Park and surrounding blocks Bank Street in Centretown Direct staff to complete the following HCD Feasibility Assessments and report back to Built Heritage Committee and Council on the findings: Beaverbrook Macdonald Gardens Park and surrounding blocks Wellington Street West and... (cont)
Office of the City Clerk
Status Update – Built Heritage Committee Inquiries and Motions for the period ending May 24, 2024
File No. ACS2024-OCC-CCS-0058 - City-wide Report recommendation That the Built Heritage Committee receive this report for information.
In Camera Items
Notices of Motions (For Consideration at Subsequent Meeting)
Other Business
Next Meeting July 9, 2024
