September 04 - 10:00

City Council

Call to order and moment of reflection
Public notices and meeting information
Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.
National Anthem
Councillor D. Brown
Roll Call
Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes of the Council meeting of 10 July 2024
In Camera Minutes (distributed separately) of the Council meeting of July 10, 2024
Declarations of Interest Including Those Originally Arising from Prior Meetings
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Communications
Responses to Inquiries
OCC 2024-02 - Building Permit Processes and Costs
OCC 2024-11 - Long-term future of the Central Experimental Farm – Working Group
Other communications received
By-law Authorizing the Making of an Application to Expropriate Property Interests Required for the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project, including the Richmond Road Complete Street improvements
No regrets were filed. 
Motion to Introduce Reports
Moved by L. Johnson Seconded byA. Hubley
City Manager's Office
Update on key financial challenges and operational reviews
Office of the City Clerk
Status Update - Council Inquiries and Motions for the period ending August 30, 2024
 ACS2024-OCC-CCS-0076 - Citywide Report recommendation  That Council receive this report for information.
Planning and Housing Committee Report 32
Zoning By-law Amendment – 2973, 2983, 3053 and 3079 Navan Road and 2690 Pagé Road
File No.  ACS2024-PDB-PS-0063 - Orléans South-Navan (19) Committee recommendation(s) That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2973, 2983, 3053 and 3079 Navan Road and 2690 Pagé Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit a subdivision with a mix of residential and commercial uses, as detailed in Document 2.
Zoning By-law Amendment – 6001 and 6005 Renaud Road
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PS-0060 - Orléans South-Navan (19) Committee recommendation(s) That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 6001 and 6005 Renaud Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit stacked dwelling units, as detailed in Document 2.
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment – 30 Cleary Avenue
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0011 - Bay (7) Committee recommendation(s) That Council approve: An amendment to the Official Plan, Volume 2A – Urban Secondary Plans, Sherbourne and New Orchard Secondary Plan, Policy 17(a) to replace the transition zone requirement with a requirement for 10.5 metre and 14 metre setbacks from an abutting low-rise residential zone for mid- and high-rise buildings, respectively, as detailed in Document 2; An amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250, as amended, for 30 Clear... (cont)
Bulk Consent Agenda
Planning and Housing Committee Report 32
Zoning By-law Amendment – 381 Kent Street
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PS-0074 – Somerset (14) Committee recommendation(s) That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 381 Kent Street, as shown in Document 1, to permit a nine-storey, mid-rise residential use building, as detailed in Document 2.
Application for Demolition and New Construction at 381 Kent Street, a Property Designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act as part of the Centretown Heritage Conservation District
File No. ACS2024-PDB-RHU-0054 - Somerset (Ward 14) Planning and Housing and Built Heritage Committee Recommendation(s) That Council: Approve the application for demolition at 381 Kent Street; Approve the application for new construction at 381 Kent Street according to plans prepared by Neuf Architects, dated September 5, 2023, conditional upon; The applicant providing samples of all final exterior materials for approval by Heritage Staff prior to the issuance of the building permit.  The ap... (cont)
Zoning By-law Amendment – 9 Gurdwara Road
File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0021 - Knoxdale-Merivale (9) Committee recommendation(s) That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 9 Gurdwara Road, as shown in Document 1, to remove part of the existing exception prohibiting access from Prince of Wales Drive, as detailed in Document 2.
City Clerk – Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions
Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of July 10, 2024
File No. ACS2024-OCC-CCS-0077 - City-wide Report Recommendation(s) That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of July 10, 2024, that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as applicable, as described in this report and attached as Documents 1-4.
In Camera Items
Motion to Adopt Reports
Moved by L. Johnson Seconded byA. Hubley
Motions of Which Notice Has Been Previously Given
Commemorative Naming - Herbert and Estelle Brown
Note: The Plante/King Motion of which Notice was previously given at the 10 July, 2024, City Council meeting was replaced with the following revised motion pursuant to Subsection 59(5) of the Procedure By-law. Moved by S. Plante Seconded byR. King WHEREAS on July 10, 2024, City Council approved the Commemorative Naming Policy; and  WHEREAS in keeping with its powers set out in the Municipal Act, 2001, Council may assign a commemorative name by resolution, notwithstanding the provisions inc... (cont)
Motions Requiring Suspension of the Rules of Procedure
Notices of Motion (for Consideration at Subsequent Meeting)
Motion to Introduce By-laws
Three Readings
That the by-laws listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three Readings, be read and passed. a)    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at privé Sawmill Private as being exempt from Part Lot Control.b)    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at ruelle Corn Husk Lane, place Hampshire Place, rue Maize Street, chemin Ploughshare Road, rang Sheaf Row and placette Wheel Barrow Mews on Plan 4M-1675 as being exempt from Part Lot Control.c)    A b... (cont)
Confirmation By-law
Moved by L. Johnson Seconded byA. Hubley That the following by-law be read and passed: To confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of 4 September 2024.
Moved by L. Johnson Seconded byA. Hubley That the proceedings of the City Council meeting of 4 September 2024 be adjourned.
Petition received containing the signatures of 39 people requesting that Ottawa City Council not narrow the Drouin Avenue Roadway at North River Road or at any other point. Petition received containing the signatures of 629 people that they object to the Fitzroy BESS project put forward by Evolugen to request that Council deny the Municipal Support Resolution. Petition received containing the signatures of 24 people requesting that Ottawa City Council properly pave Mooney Avenue.              Pet... (cont)
