March 19 - 13:00
Committee of Adjustment - Panel 2
The minutes of February 6 and February 20, 2024, were adopted.
Minor Variance Application
(1000447098 Ontario Inc.)
To permit the conversion of a detached dwelling to a two-story rooming house with an increased number of rooming units and a reduced number of parking spaces.
(Agent: L. Tardioli)
Minor Variance Application
(6382941 Canada Inc.)
To permit a reduced number of parking spaces for the construction of a residential development.
(Agent: A. Johnston)
Minor Variance Application
(Thomas Lanthier)
To permit a reduced rear yard setback, front yard setback, and rear yard area for the construction of an attached garage.
(Agent: D. Buchholz)
Consent Application
(Todd Lavign and Gina Kim)
To convey a portion of the property to the abutting property to the west, known municipally as 1356 Louis Lane.
(Agent: D. Simonds)
D08-01-23/B-00349, D08-01-24/B-00023
Consent Applications
(Greenbelt Baptist Church)
To subdivide the property into two parcels of land to create a new lot for future development and to establish an easement for shared access.
(Agent: Z. Keslerova)
2:05 PM
Consent Application
Adjourned from March 5, 2024
(Claridge Homes, Mer Bleue Phase 4, Inc.)
To subdivide the property into two parcels of land for the construction of a school. The existing dwelling will be demolished.
(Agent: V. Denomme)
Minor Variance Application
Adjourned from March 5, 2024
(Jason and Laurel York)
To permit the construction of a detached dwelling with a front facing attached garage.
(Agent: C. McCuaig)